I would, however, like to get to know all the like minded spots and community in the north of Portugal.
Tomorrow, Sunday 17th, at 10h30 she running a workshop which is more Reggio Emilia inspired : free exploration.
It's not really up A1's street but I think A2 will be into it and wouldn't it be cool to do something mostly for her? 😅
€22.50 for both kids.
It's give me the chance to get to know the space and speak to Rita Andorinha, the owner as well (Montessori 3-6 guide and a teacher in regular primary school by day).
@nelsonic Its a bit far (45 min drive) but I'm totally up for taking the kids so you can get some focused project time.
I'm thinking workshop, park or a little museum, lunch then head back (confident doing all of this with them both 👌🏻).
Vôo de Andorinha is a Montessori 'space' in Valongo who do playgroups, Montessori workshops, play kits and ateliers.
I suspect this is a one woman band and she's running this out of a small hut purpose-rented space she opened in April of this year.
No website, only instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voodeandorinha
I would, however, like to get to know all the like minded spots and community in the north of Portugal.
Tomorrow, Sunday 17th, at 10h30 she running a workshop which is more Reggio Emilia inspired : free exploration. It's not really up A1's street but I think A2 will be into it and wouldn't it be cool to do something mostly for her? 😅
€22.50 for both kids.
It's give me the chance to get to know the space and speak to Rita Andorinha, the owner as well (Montessori 3-6 guide and a teacher in regular primary school by day).
@nelsonic Its a bit far (45 min drive) but I'm totally up for taking the kids so you can get some focused project time. I'm thinking workshop, park or a little museum, lunch then head back (confident doing all of this with them both 👌🏻).