bmitch / relogio

Terminal clock in Rust
MIT License
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:clock9: Relogio - Terminal Clock in Rust :clock5:

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What is this?

This is a project I am using as a means to help me learn Rust. I am new to Rust so the code may not be "ideal". I am very open to any and all feedback and would appreciate any.

It is heavily inspired by which is done in Python.

This project may end up as more of a clone of chromometer or may not. I really don't know what the end result will look like. The goal here is to experiment and learn Rust.

Why are you doing this?

I think one of the best ways to learn a new language is to just start using it. I also really liked the package and I like terminal app.

How do I run it?

Assuming you already have Rust installed:

git clone
cd relogio
cargo run

Can I help?

Yes please! The goal of this project is to learn Rust and make an interesting terminal clock. So if you have any feedback on the code or have some interesting ideas to contribute please do so!

WTF is a Relogio?

It's the Portuguese word for clock. I choose it because Portuguese is the native language of my good friend and buddy