bmx-ng / sdl.mod

SDL backend for BlitzMax
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GL2SDLMax2D always uses VSync #19

Closed GWRon closed 5 years ago

GWRon commented 5 years ago

Taken from the sdl.mod-sample and enhanced to have a (simple) fps counter:


Framework sdl.gl2sdlmax2d
SetGraphicsDriver GL2Max2DDriver()

Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import brl.glmax2D
SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

Global _g:TGraphics = Graphics(800, 600, 0)

global timesRendered:int = 0
global secondGone:int
global loopBeginTime:int = 0
global lastLoopTime:int
global currentFPS:int = 0

While Not AppTerminate() And Not KeyDown(key_escape)
    loopBeginTime = Millisecs()
    secondGone :+ lastLooptime
    if secondGone > 1000
        currentFPS = timesRendered
        secondGone = 0
        timesRendered = 0


    If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) And _g
        Print "reset graphics"
        _g = Graphics(800, 600, 0)

    DrawText "FPS:" + currentFPS, 20, 50
    DrawOval(MouseX()-10, MouseY()-10, 20,20)
    Flip 0
    timesRendered :+ 1

    lastLoopTime = Millisecs() - loopBeginTime


Regardless of what you put to Flip it always uses the hertz you use on the screen -> vsync. Using another graphics driver (see Rem ... End Rem) and you get the desired "not limited" fps (in my case its 13.000 but it does not matter).

GWRon commented 5 years ago

sdlgraphics.mod/sdlgraphics.bmx has this:

        If glFlags Then

            context.context = context.window.GLCreateContext()
        End If states that SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval adjusts the current context. Here it seems that the context get's created afterwards ?

-> switched lines (and set interval to 0 ...) and ... bamm, got 10.000 frames per second.

The "Flip" there does call the SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval too - but why isn't it working? There is a pretty simple answer: SDL's swapInterval uses "-1" for adaptive vsync, "1" for vsync and "0" for immediate. While BlitzMax' Flip is "0" for "as soon as possible", "1" for vsync and "-1" for immediate/as-fast-as-possible (exception if the graphics context wasn't created withthe Graphics command)

GWRon commented 5 years ago

Another tiny bug is there:

    Method Flip( sync:Int )
        'bbSDLGraphicsFlip sync
        If Not _currentContext Then
        End If

        If sync <> _currentContext.sync Then
            _currentContext.sync = sync
            If _currentContext.context Then
            End If
        End If

        If _currentContext.context Then
        End If
    End Method

That context.sync property is only filled in this method call. And only if it differs from the initial state. So if the initial state was 0 while the interval was defined as -1 during creation, it would not change to 0 if you called Flip(0) as the state seems to be unchanged.

-> either set the context.sync to the default one defined during creation -> or do additional checks during flip if something changed.

GWRon commented 5 years ago

Added a commit - I've choosen option 1 (context.sync-property set on creation). And I switched flag-set as it sets the current context's swap interval.

I also noted down what the incoming flip-sync values mean (just in case that it changes somewhen).