bnoguchi / everyauth

node.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps
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How to use with custom/not-constant api urls? #50

Closed chendrix closed 13 years ago

chendrix commented 13 years ago

I am trying to integrate everyauth with the Basecamp API, which follows an API url scheme of https://#{yourbasecampaccount}{resource}/#{representation}.xml

So if I have two people with different accounts, the API URL for each of them is different.

How do I resolve this when oauth2.js asks for 'apiHost: 'e.g.,' ?

bnoguchi commented 13 years ago

@chendrix, I just added a 37signals module to everyauth to handle Basecamp, etc. Please take a look at the README for 37signals instructions. You can get access to it via the latest npm install.