bntjah / lancache

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174 stars 44 forks source link

sniproxy&nginx out of control #159

Closed billthecatt closed 4 years ago

billthecatt commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing this in my logs rolling continually on my lancache host ( is the address of enp12s0 on the lancache box) : 2020-07-02 11:28:16 -> -> [(null)] 0/0 bytes tx 112/112 bytes rx 0.011 seconds 2020-07-02 11:28:16 -> -> [(null)] 0/0 bytes tx 112/112 bytes rx 0.011 seconds 2020-07-02 11:28:16 -> -> [(null)] 0/0 bytes tx 112/112 bytes rx 0.011 seconds 2020-07-02 11:28:16 -> -> [(null)] 0/0 bytes tx 112/112 bytes rx 0.011 seconds tail -f of this file just scrolls and scrolls, so it's happening continually.

It's so constant my /var/log/sniproxy/https_access.log file grows to like 40G within days of restarting sniproxy. If this was coming from a network source I'd use wireshark and/or tcpdump on the command line to figure out what the offending domain name lookup is/was and stop caching/dns for it. Because it's coming from the localhost, to the localhost, I can't really do that..

Any ideas how I can resolve this? I think it's impacting performance, and at the least indicates a mis-configuration somewhere..

Is there a way I can increase the logging in sniproxy to determine what's actually causing these?

billthecatt commented 4 years ago

I reverted my sniproxy config to stock and this issue went away. Pretty sure that's fixing the symptom, but the logs stopped exploding.
