bobbingwide / oik-shortcodes

Shortcode, block and API server
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Add CPTs and taxonomies for: blocks, block examples etc #61

Closed bobbingwide closed 4 years ago

bobbingwide commented 6 years ago

In q.w/hm I started documenting Gutenberg blocks as CPT's created using oik-types. I now want to formalise the definitions of the CPTs. For oik plugins the most sensible place to do this is in the oik-shortcodes plugin.

Type Plural Singular Description Hierarchical? Archive?
block Blocks Block WordPress Blocks and their mapping from meta boxes Y Y
metabox Meta Boxes Meta Box Meta boxes used in the Classic Editor Y Y
sidebar Sidebar boxes Sidebar box Side bar boxes appear as Settings. Y Y

The new CPTs also require a number of fields.

Note: wp_block is a core CPT used to store reusable blocks. It has the same labels as block.

bobbingwide commented 6 years ago

Note: In Gutenberg v4.5.1 Sidebar boxes are known as Panels. There are Document panels, Advanced panels and, I assume, Block panels.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

Fields for the block CPT are:

Field Type Notes Example
_block_name text Unique block name oik-block/wp
_block_icon sctext Icon for the block [bw_dash wordpress SVG64]
block_category category Block category static, dynamic, server side rendered
bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

Looks like we'll need Block examples ( similar to Shortcode examples ) before Meta boxes and Sidebar boxes / Panels.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

We also want to add a Blocks tab to any plugin that delivers Blocks.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

There are two co-requisite changes for adding the Blocks tab.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

Some minor changes:

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

For the time being at least I reckon that Blocks and block examples should be included on the Home page blog. This will help with SEO for ( and ), and possible

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

Having started populating with some of the plugins that deliver blocks, I now want to be able to generate the basic structure of each instance of the block post type for all the blocks that these plugins deliver.

For the following 9 plugins there are 144 blocks. Once each block has been created it'll be easier to see them all listed on the Blocks archive.

Plugin Blocks
Advanced Gutenberg 18
Advanced Gutenberg Blocks 14
Atomic Blocks 11
Caxton 11
CoBlocks 20
Ghost Kit 29
Kadence 9
oik-blocks 20

Do you have any idea how many different Accordions and Buttons there are already? We'll find out soon enough.

Proposed solution

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

May as well create a template for oik-plugins while we're at it.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

I think I need to change the block_category taxonomy to be used to store the Category field defined for the block. The taxonomy to be used for the current data will be block_classification.

It may also be necessary to create a CPT called block_plugin, which documents the plugins and extensions delivered by plugins/themes. E.g. Yoast SEO, GhostKit, CoBlocks. I.e. the things registered by registerPlugin. These are similar to Panels, about which I’ve done nothing yet.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

The currently registered blocks have taxonomy terms for block_category We could either automatically change these to block_classification or perform the update manually. The required SQL is:

update wp_term_taxonomy set taxonomy = 'block_classification' where taxonomy = 'block_category';

This would need to be run about the same time as updating the plugin. There aren't that many to do, and since the blocks would need manual updating anyway it might not matter if we forget. The SQL should only be run once... when there aren't any terms for block_classification.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

Now that we have multiple taxonomies we should improve the display of the Blocks tab to show a more complete summary of the registered blocks. i.e. Change from [bw_list] to [bw_table fields=title,excerpt,block_category,block_keyword,block_classification].

For the block icon to be displayed the Excerpt should be left blank and the more tag be after the block info block. The block info block need only display the block's icon and description. All the other fields for the block info block are belt and braces; being cross references to block title, block type name and block category and block keyword taxonomies.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

The [blocks] shortcode should be able to display a list of blocks identified by their block type names.

e.g. [blocks core/paragraph,core/list]

This shortcode can then be used in documentation for Transforms, Nested and reasons to create links to blocks. We may need to be able to deal with the block_type_name being multiply defined. As Core and Gutenberg both use the namespace prefixes core and core-embed.

It's time to create a new issue for this.

bobbingwide commented 5 years ago

To support plugins which provide their own documentation we should add a _block_doc_link field for the Block CPT. This should be displayed after the Block type name. does not have an individual page for every block. In this case we should just point to

bobbingwide commented 4 years ago

The code was delivered to in v1.35.0. This can now be closed.