I download the pretrained model(deeplabv3_xception_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5) and convert it to tensorflow pb format,then I use the model with tensorflow C API to do inference in production environment;I had accomplish loading the model into a tf-session,and get the input-tensor,but how to get the output-tensor? It seems the output-tensor is the node named "output_1",but the most deeplabv3 demo code is written in python and keras,and the details on getting output-tensor is hidden,I cant get any help from them,so how can I get the output result of deeplabv3 model with Tensorflow C API?
I download the pretrained model(deeplabv3_xception_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5) and convert it to tensorflow pb format,then I use the model with tensorflow C API to do inference in production environment;I had accomplish loading the model into a tf-session,and get the input-tensor,but how to get the output-tensor? It seems the output-tensor is the node named "output_1",but the most deeplabv3 demo code is written in python and keras,and the details on getting output-tensor is hidden,I cant get any help from them,so how can I get the output result of deeplabv3 model with Tensorflow C API?