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has_icu failing because of false icu path when loading icu libraries #620

Open kohldampfer opened 5 years ago

kohldampfer commented 5 years ago

I am trying to compile boost 1.70 with ICU support. For this I have these to commands in a shell script:

./ --with-icu="$ICU_DIR}"  \

./b2 --layout=tagged \
                cxxstd=17 \
                toolset=gcc \
                variant=release \
                threading=multi \
                link=shared \
                address-model=64 \
                -sZLIB_SOURCE=$ZLIB_DIR \
                -q -sBZIP2_SOURCE=$BZIP2_DIR \
                -sICU_PATH="${ICU_DIR}" \
                include="${ICU_DIR}/include" \
                -sICU_LINK="-L${ICU_DIR}/lib64 -licuuc -licudata -licui18n"

The variable ICU_DIR is pointing to a directory, where my ICU stuff is there, i.e. in ICU_DIR/include are the header files and in ICU_DIR/lib64 are the libraries, e.g., So I have this directory structure:


The directories bin and lib are for 32 bit, bin64 and lib64 respectively for 64 bit versions of the library.

During compilation I see in the logs this:

  - has_icu builds           : no
  - icu                      : yes

Then I checked the files boost_1_70_0/bin.v2/config.log. There I can find this error

bin.v2/libs/regex/build/gcc-8.3.1/debug/cxxstd-17-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_icu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${ICU_DIR}/bin:/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root/usr/bin:/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root/usr/lib32:/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then, I thought of changing my compiling command to something like this:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${ICU_DIR}/lib64 ./b2 --layout=tagged ...

but then I get this error message during build

error: Name clash for '<p/path/to/boost_1_70_0/stage/lib>'
error: Tried to build the target twice, with property sets having
error: these incompatible properties:
error:     -  none
error:     -  <dll-path>${ICU_DIR}/bin <linkflags>-L${ICU_DIR}/lib64 <linkflags>-licudata <linkflags>-licui18n <linkflags>-licuuc
error: Please make sure to have consistent requirements for these
error: properties everywhere in your project, especially for install
error: targets.

This dll-path is false here. In my case, it should look to this lib64 directory not to the bin directory, but I don't know how to adjsut that when starting b2.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your contributions. Main development of B2 has moved to This issue has been automatically marked as "transition" to indicate the potential for needing transition to the new B2 development project.