boostorg / container_hash

Generic hash function for STL style unordered containers
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Compatibility with std::hash #4

Open JVApen opened 5 years ago

JVApen commented 5 years ago

boost::hash_combine is very useful, however, it does require to implement a hash function twice in order to be used. std::hash and boost::hash_value.

On stackoverflow, several 'workarounds' exist for making this easier, all assume you are able to encapsulate the includes to hash.hpp in your own wrapping header.

Would it be possible to allow hash_combine ... to fall back to std::hash when no hash_value is available?

pdimov commented 1 year ago

That's an interesting idea that can allow us to eliminate the various hash_value overloads for standard types, and is apparently also what Abseil does by default. But it's not quite as trivial as in the SO answer, because today, it's typical for a user-defined type to declare both hash_value (for boost::hash) and specialize std::hash. Something like this, for example:

struct uuid
    unsigned char data[ 16 ];

    inline friend std::size_t hash_value( uuid const& u ) noexcept
        return boost::hash_value( );

    inline friend bool operator==( uuid const& u1, uuid const& u2 ) noexcept
        return std::equal( + 0, + 16, );

namespace std

template<> struct hash< ::uuid >
    std::size_t operator()( uuid const& u ) const noexcept
        return hash_value( u );

} // namespace std

And in that case, if there's an overload for boost::hash_value for all std-hashable types, we're disturbingly close to infinite recursion. It doesn't seem to happen here, but I'm not particularly comfortable with this arrangement.