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The 3-parameter overload of `boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow` does not compile #309

Closed sebrockm closed 2 years ago

sebrockm commented 2 years ago

According to the documentation, there is a minimalistic overload of boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow that only takes the graph, a source, and a sink. All other parameters are set to their defaults (as stated in the section "Named Parameters").

However, this overload doesn't compile. Minimal reproducible example:

#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow.hpp>

#include <utility>

namespace my_graph

struct Graph
    // graph concept
    using vertex_descriptor = size_t;
    using edge_descriptor = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
    using directed_category = boost::directed_tag;
    using edge_parallel_category = boost::disallow_parallel_edge_tag;
    struct traversal_category : boost::vertex_list_graph_tag,

    static vertex_descriptor null_vertex() { return 0; }

    // incidence graph concept
    using out_edge_iterator = std::nullptr_t;
    using degree_size_type = size_t;

    // vertex list graph concept
    using vertex_iterator = std::nullptr_t;
    using vertices_size_type = size_t;

    // edge list graph concept
    using edge_iterator = std::nullptr_t;
    using edges_size_type = size_t;

// incidence graph concept

Graph::vertex_descriptor source(const Graph::edge_descriptor&, const Graph&) { return {}; }

Graph::vertex_descriptor target(const Graph::edge_descriptor&, const Graph&) { return {}; }

std::pair<Graph::out_edge_iterator, Graph::out_edge_iterator> out_edges(
    Graph::vertex_descriptor, const Graph&)
    return { {}, {} };

Graph::degree_size_type out_degree(Graph::vertex_descriptor, const Graph&) { return 0; }

// vertex list graph concept

std::pair<Graph::vertex_iterator, Graph::vertex_iterator> vertices(const Graph&)
    return { {}, {} };

Graph::vertices_size_type num_vertices(const Graph&) { return 0; }

// edge list graph concept

Graph::edges_size_type num_edges(const Graph&) { return 0; }

std::pair<Graph::edge_iterator, Graph::edge_iterator> edges(const Graph&) { return { {}, {} }; }

// adjacency matrix graph concept

std::pair<Graph::edge_descriptor, bool> edge(
    Graph::vertex_descriptor, Graph::vertex_descriptor, const Graph&)
    return { {}, {} };

// property maps for boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow

auto get(boost::edge_capacity_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::edge_descriptor>(0);

auto get(boost::edge_residual_capacity_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::edge_descriptor>(0);

auto get(boost::edge_reverse_t, const Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::edge_descriptor>(Graph::edge_descriptor {});

auto get(boost::vertex_predecessor_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::vertex_descriptor>(Graph::edge_descriptor {});

auto get(boost::vertex_color_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::vertex_descriptor>(boost::default_color_type {});

auto get(boost::vertex_distance_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::vertex_descriptor>(0);

auto get(boost::vertex_index_t, Graph&)
    return boost::make_constant_property<Graph::vertex_descriptor>(0);


int main()
    my_graph::Graph G;

    boost::boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow(G, 0, 1);

Live on compiler-explorer.

sebrockm commented 2 years ago

It does work, if you do it correctly. My error was that I did not specify overloads for property_map like so:

namespace boost
    struct property_map<my_graph::Graph, boost::edge_capacity_t>
        using type = constant_writable_property_map<my_graph::Graph::edge_descriptor, int>;
        using const_type = constant_writable_property_map<my_graph::Graph::edge_descriptor, int>;

An updated compiling example is here: