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Question: has clang __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ behavior changed in clang 16.0.0 ? #518

Open dkrejsa opened 1 year ago

dkrejsa commented 1 year ago


This is a question relating to the experimental/type_name.hpp implementation with Clang.

I'm using Boost 1.81 and seeing a compilation failure building the hana experimental/type_name test using Clang 16.0.0, albeit in a cross-build environment for VxWorks. I build with -std=c++14.

Part of the issue seems to be that for the boost::hana::experimental::detail::type_name_impl2<int>() function, clang is yielding

"cstring boost::hana::experimental::detail::type_name_impl2() [T = int]"

for __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, rather than yielding

"boost::hana::experimental::detail::cstring boost::hana::experimental::detail::type_name_impl2() [T = int]"

as type_name.hpp seems to expect. That is, the "cstring" return type in the __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ I see omits the namespace path "boost::hana::experimental::detail::".

Is this something new with Clang 16.0.0, or is it perhaps an issue of some option affecting the compiler behavior, that might be different in my environment? Any advice appreciated.

dkrejsa commented 1 year ago

Here's an example on godbolt, with Clang 16.0.0

and with Clang 15.0.0

OK, I was worried this might be restricted to my environment, but it seems to be more general.