boostorg / polygon polygon module
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Inserting 64-bit rectangle into 64-bit polygon set doesn't work #86

Open plopresti opened 1 year ago

plopresti commented 1 year ago

Godbolt live link

The following program inserts a 64-bit rectangle into a 64-bit polygon set. Then it does the same thing again, but using a polygon instead of a rectangle to represent the shape. It prints out whether each polygon set is empty following the insertion of the figure.

Expected output:

pset1 empty == 0
pset2 empty == 0

Actual output:

pset1 empty == 1
pset2 empty == 0

In other words, inserting the figure as a rectangle drops it.

Note that the figure is not dropped (and you get the expected output) if you change the values of the coordinates to fit in 32 bits.

#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

namespace bp = boost::polygon;

typedef int64_t Coord;
typedef bp::point_data<Coord> Point;
typedef bp::polygon_data<Coord> Poly;
typedef bp::rectangle_data<Coord> Rect;
typedef bp::polygon_set_data<Coord> PolySet;

    const int64_t xl = 1214688665600;
    const int64_t xh = 1226223002624;
    const int64_t yl = 1524039680000;
    const int64_t yh = 1527821107200;

    Rect r(xl, yl, xh, yh);
    PolySet pset1;
    std::cout << "pset1 empty == " << bp::empty(pset1) << "\n";

    std::vector<Point> points;
    Poly poly;
    poly.set(points.begin(), points.end());
    PolySet pset2;
    std::cout << "pset2 empty == " << bp::empty(pset2) << "\n";
plopresti commented 1 year ago

I chased this down to winding() returning the wrong answer for polygon_90_set_data objects due to 64-bit overflow when calculating the area. This causes insert_vertex_sequence to treat the polygon as a hole, making it disappear.

Test program to illustrate the bug in winding() (Godbolt):

include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>

namespace bp = boost::polygon;

typedef int64_t Coord;
typedef bp::polygon_data<Coord> Poly;
typedef bp::polygon_90_data<Coord> Poly90;
typedef bp::rectangle_data<Coord> Rect;

template<typename T>
static void dump(const T &poly)
    typedef typename bp::polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type It;
    for (It it = begin_points(poly) ; it != end_points(poly) ; ++it)
        std::cout << "x " << x(*it) << " y " << y(*it) << "\n";

    const int64_t xl = 1214688665600;
    const int64_t xh = 1226223002624;
    const int64_t yl = 1524039680000;
    const int64_t yh = 1527821107200;

    const Rect r(xl, yl, xh, yh);

    Poly poly;
    assign(poly, r);
    std::cout << "poly area == " << area(poly) << "\n";
    std::cout << "poly winding == " << winding(poly).to_int() << "\n\n";

    Poly90 poly2;
    assign(poly2, r);
    std::cout << "poly2 area == " << area(poly2) << "\n";
    std::cout << "poly2 winding == " << winding(poly2).to_int() << "\n";

The following patch corrects the behavior of these two test programs, but probably has unintended consequences:

--- a/include/boost/polygon/isotropy.hpp
+++ b/include/boost/polygon/isotropy.hpp
@@ -273,9 +273,6 @@ namespace boost { namespace polygon{

   template <typename domain_type, typename coordinate_type>
   struct area_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::area_type type; };
-  template <typename coordinate_type>
-  struct area_type_by_domain<manhattan_domain, coordinate_type> {
-    typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type type; };

   template<bool E, class R = void>
   struct enable_if_ {

Possibly related: Issue #39