bouffalolab / bl808_linux

Apache License 2.0
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Checked in binaries for bflb_iot_tool, bflb_mcu_tool, genromfs, and openocd #2

Open robertlipe opened 1 year ago

robertlipe commented 1 year ago

has binaries checked in for . This is clearly a mistake as it'll never work on ChromeOS, Raspberry Pi, MacOS, self-hosting, or lots of other environments used by the kinds of people working with this kind of code.

PLEASE check in the source, not the binaries.

JLink has similar issues, but that might not be totally up to you. You should at least link out to the Segger page so people can download the "right" JLink.

Please. Just look in the tree for anything with dll, exe, or similar platform-specific artificacts. This bugreport applies to all of them.

bl_mcu_sdk_bl808 is another checked in binary. Source, pelase.

Also, the capitalization inside is weird. Common convention is to not use upper case in filenames.

gamelaster commented 1 year ago

Hey @robertlipe

You can find sources here:

csi_dsp blob

This is work of T-Head, and probably there is some NDA under it, so they can't release the source code.

YafeiJin commented 1 year ago

@robertlipe bflb_flash_tool is removed. Thanks.