boundary / folsom

Expose Erlang Events and Metrics
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bear is not listed in .app.src dependencies #82

Closed arjan closed 9 years ago

arjan commented 10 years ago

Therefore, running folsom from an Erlang release results in an error because bear is not packaged.

linearregression commented 9 years ago

I did not run into this issue when I recently did an Erlang Release on folsom_webmachine (not folsom itself) successfully. Just to clairfy, are you making an OTP release for folsom? If you are below is what I did.

Since folsom_webamchine includes folsom and all its deps, I bet it is similar For my case, I need to add bear (any other libraries crypto?) {app, bear, [{incl_cond, include}]}, to reltool.config in the rel directory <------ before rebar generate

rebar supposed to figure this all out, but it has not been extremely consistent for me.

Hope this helps.

arjan commented 9 years ago

I am using relx for packaging. Relx figures the dependency graph out 'automagically' by recursively looking at the .app files, requiring (ideally) no reltool config or other configuration files. And I noticed it didn't pick up bear until I added it to the .app.src.

rlipscombe commented 9 years ago

I had to do the same; it's worth pointing out that if you're using folsomite, that forgets to mention protobuffs.

joewilliams commented 9 years ago

With bear as an app dependency (and bear not being an application) how are all of you running the eunit tests and etc and succeeding?

1> folsom:start().
joewilliams commented 9 years ago

Fixed in