boundary / folsom

Expose Erlang Events and Metrics
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Update counter without catching exceptions #93

Closed puzza007 closed 9 years ago

puzza007 commented 9 years ago

This adds new_spiral(Name, Update) where update is one of fast or no_exceptions. fast works by catching the badarg on update of a non-existant key. no_exceptions instead reads the ETS table first to avoid catching an exception. The reason for this is that if one uses a spiral in a cowboy onresponse function, if there's an exception thrown by the handler it'll be overwritten by folsom. Maybe there's another way around this? (there's definitely, but I don't want to have to upgrade OTP, or wait until it's merged)

puzza007 commented 9 years ago

Example of use

puzza@Pauls-iMac ~/src/folsom (update-counter-without-catching-exceptions) $ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin
Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.10.3  (abort with ^G)
1> application:ensure_all_started(folsom).
2> ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral).
3> ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral_no_exceptions, no_exceptions).
4> erl
erl_distribution    erl_eval            erl_internal
erl_lint            erl_parse           erl_prim_loader
erl_scan            erlang
4> erlang:get
get/0              get/1              get_cookie/0       get_keys/1
get_module_info/1  get_module_info/2  get_stacktrace/0
4> erlang:get_stacktrace().
5> folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral, 100, spiral).
6> erlang:get_stacktrace().
BREAK: (a)bort (c)ontinue (p)roc info (i)nfo (l)oaded
       (v)ersion (k)ill (D)b-tables (d)istribution
^C%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              puzza@Pauls-iMac ~/src/folsom (update-counter-without-catching-exceptions) $ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin
Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.10.3  (abort with ^G)
1> application:ensure_all_started(folsom).
2> ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral).
3> ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral_no_exceptions, no_exceptions).
4> folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, 200, spiral).
5> erlang:get_stacktrace().