bounswe / bounswe2023group9

Collaborative Science Platform aims to transform the way scientific research is conducted by providing a structured and collaborative approach to developing the knowledge in any scientific domain.
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Welcome to CMPE352 Group 9's Project Repository

Hi! We are students from Bogazici University and this is our project for the Fundamentals of Software Engineering course.

:notebook: Description

This project aims to transform the way scientific research is conducted by providing a structured and collaborative approach to developing the knowledge in any scientific domain. The platform will be designed to reflect the natural organization of scientific knowledge, which is arranged in a directed acyclic graph, with each new discovery building on previous ones.

:busts_in_silhouette: Group Members

Ahmed Bera Pay
Ahmed Bera Pay
Ahmet Abdullah Susuz
Ahmet Abdullah Susuz
Ali Mert Geben
Ali Mert Geben
Arda Arslan
Arda Arslan
Hakan Emre Aktaş
Hakan Emre Aktaş
Leyla Yayladere
Leyla Yayladere
Mehmet Süzer
Mehmet Süzer
Oğuz Pançuk
Oğuz Pançuk
Ömer Şükrü Uyduran
Ömer Şükrü Uyduran
Zülal Molla
Zülal Molla
Ömer Faruk Ünal
Ömer Faruk Ünal
Bengisu Kübra Takkin
Bengisu Kübra Takkin

:page_with_curl: Wiki Page

You can go to our Wiki page and learn more about us from here.