Thank you for releasing great works. I am delighted to check your codes on online.
Unfortunately, to download annotation or checkpoint, Baidu account is required which is that affordable for people live outside China.
Since the file is hosted on the baidu, they request me to login to baidu. But I cannot make a baidu account because I don't have phone number inside China.
Could you please upload data on the other points, (like google drives or onedrives...)
Thank you!
Thank you for releasing great works. I am delighted to check your codes on online.
Unfortunately, to download annotation or checkpoint, Baidu account is required which is that affordable for people live outside China. Since the file is hosted on the baidu, they request me to login to baidu. But I cannot make a baidu account because I don't have phone number inside China.
Could you please upload data on the other points, (like google drives or onedrives...) Thank you!