Create a new filepicker input based on the design mocks
This new input will be keyed
This new input will have 2 new configuration properties: accept which configures the file extensions the input can select and multiple which configures if the file picker can select multiple files
The file values should not be included in the data on the form submit event because files can be too big. Instead we will create a separate file store which costumers users can consume on a case by case basis. The file key will be provided on the submit even data instead of the file values.
Why should we do it?
Managing documents is a common use case when dealing with forms
So we can add document handling to the Camunda 8 ecosystem
Design mocks: link
What should we do?
which configures the file extensions the input can select andmultiple
which configures if the file picker can select multiple filesWhy should we do it?