Open chinbat-is opened 1 year ago
Hello @chinbat-is,
Freddie is a PHP implementation of the Mercure protocol.
The hub has no homepage, you should publish/subscribe to messages on /.well-known/mercure
Follow documentation about using the hub.
Don't hesitate if I can help further.
flies@flies-pc:~/workspace/tools/freddie$ ./bin/freddie
Using transport: php://default.
2024-06-15 19:47:48.468 Listening on
2024-06-15 19:47:56.737 "POST /.well-known/mercure HTTP/1.1" 404 880 0.003
I get 404 when using symfony mercure to publish.
I installed freddie mercure hub. During installation i had encountered some namespace mismatch issue, i solved it. When i run the hub. All i get is 404 Page not found error. I can't find any logs. How can i successfully run this project?