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Some new features? #13120

Open core-ai-bot opened 3 years ago

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Issue by tofanelli Tuesday Apr 07, 2015 at 01:24 GMT Originally opened as

hey guys!

For some new features, i would like to see some like: 1- a button to zip and save all my extensions before change/format my machine 2- a guided tour in the first open 3- quick tips on each time I open the app OR 4- shows a page with tips (like in Corel Draw or Illustrator), with some cool snippets (to help us to code faster), or some ideas (like Muzli), maybe fetch the Picks from Codepen... maybe a 3-column layout and shows some of each in each column..... 5- a better changelog for plugins 6- Create a place to motivate the users to share / help in code for another users 7- check why the Brackets is in love with my RAM.... each time I open my Bracket, it can consume my whole free RAM... =)

I think for now is this.... maybe i will think in some more later =)

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by peterflynn Tuesday Apr 07, 2015 at 06:45 GMT

Hi@tofanelli. Many of these items are already tracked on our feature backlog, where you can vote for features to help raise their priority. See links below:

1 - Sync extensions from one computer to another 2 - The "Getting Started" project that appears when Brackets first launches is a guided tour. But if you're looking for something with more of a UI, there's First Launch Experience 3/4 - We don't have any plans for showing tips, but the Brackets wiki has lots of interesting info. You may also want to check out the popular Brackets code snippets extension. 5 - Extension Update Notifications. Discussion on this is currently in progress. 6 - Could you clarify what this would look like? It seems like an online community might be better suited for those goals. 7 - How much memory is Brackets using? If you switch to the Getting Started project and then quit/relaunch Brackets (so that is the only project that has been open since launching), is the memory usage much different?

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by prksingh Monday Apr 13, 2015 at 11:17 GMT

Hi@tofanelli Did you get chance to check how much memory brackets is using? Other details that would help are:

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by tofanelli Tuesday Apr 14, 2015 at 05:13 GMT

Hello Prashant! Very very sorry for so long reply. I was travelling and couldn't reply to you! Can I answer these questions in a few days? I will explain you why... I just bought a Samsung EVO 850 SSD for me, and I will have a fresh Windows installed on my machine. But, if you ask me now, at this moment, yes! The Brackets is still hogging all my free RAM available on my system, unfortunately. My system spec is a Intel i7 2820qm, 8GB DDR3 Dual-Channel, HD 750GB 7200RPM, Nvidia 540M, Windows 8.1 updated (even using Windows 7 still having this same issue).If I leave Brackets open more than one day, the things get worse than ever. Then I need to restart my computer.My projects are Wordpress / Bootstrap project files. Usually don't get more than 60 ~ 90 files for each project. I never open more than 6 files at time.

Maybe this problem can be on a plugin installed. I will install Brackets again in this new system and will monitor since its installation and for each plugin installed. But, as far I remember, this issue was on a fresh Brackets installation.

Cheers =)

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by prksingh Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 at 14:10 GMT

Thanks for helping narrow down the issue@tofanelli

Please update with details at your convenience. Also, if you suspect an extension is causing an issue, you can disable extensions by Debug > Reload without extensions or to narrow down on the specific extension, you can following the instructions here

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by tofanelli Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 at 14:41 GMT

Hello Prashant, Right after I installed Brackets, I only installed GIT plugin, and see what happened

And two minutes later it crashed my computer. I don't know what it can be. After I started my machine again, I only opened Brackets again, at this time without the Git plugin, and everything run ok.... So far, is ok. But I didn't installed any plugin later. I will install more along the day and see if any other has the same behaviour as Git. May I suggest a few additions to Brackets too?

Thanks =)

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by tofanelli Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 at 15:09 GMT


the image is not opening... here is the link - - to it... its showing the Brackets open and only the Git plugin installed... what it can't be normal... only one plugin installed and consuming 150mb and 2 minutes later crashed...

cheers =)

01 - git installed - 2nd screen showing the background process

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by prksingh Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 at 16:53 GMT

Thanks for the quick reply. I think there may be some other plugins still added to brackets (I see another icon below the Brackets Git icon in the toolbar that looks like a plugin). AFAIK, a new version of Brackets can still use plugins from a previous installation, unless they are disabled.

Also, can you attach a crash log for the crash using these instructions

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by tofanelli Thursday Apr 16, 2015 at 01:13 GMT

Hey Prashant!

I think this is impossible to have a previous installation, once, as I told you, this is a fresh Windows installation in a completely new hard drive. So, it's completely impossible to have another Brackets installation. Even if had a chance, my previous hard drive is already formated.

I didn't save any plugin or whatsoever exactly for this reason. To be sure anything will "mask"" the results...

And yes, sorry for the misinformation. I had installed the FTP plugin too. Well, this is my Brackets right now.... After each screenshot, the Brackets was closed to reload it without that plugin that I just uninstalled.

brackets 01

brackets 02

brackets 03

You can see now, even if I remove all plugins installed, Brackets still consuming much RAM.

What can I do now?

Thanks and very very sorry for the hard time =\

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by prksingh Friday Apr 17, 2015 at 06:19 GMT

I see brackets consuming ~150 MB memory on my system as well. I don't think this has a quick fix though. Marking 'move to backlog', so it can be picked with as part of general performance fixes

core-ai-bot commented 3 years ago

Comment by tofanelli Sunday Apr 19, 2015 at 22:41 GMT

I will try to record my Brackets RAM consumption to you see how fast Brackets hogs my free RAM... last friday it was in 500MB using only a folder with 6 files (2 CSS, 3 html and 1 jpg) and any plugin installed at all. I barely installed anything on my computer these days exactly to monitor what it can be happening here. Is there anything else can I do to help you at all?

Cheers =)

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 23:20:03 -0700 From: To: CC: Subject: Re: [brackets] Some new features? (#10836)

I see brackets consuming ~150 MB memory on my system as well. I don't think this has a quick fix though. Marking 'move to backlog', so it can be picked with as part of general performance fixes

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