brackets-archive / bracketsIssues

Archive of issues in brackets.
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Project Phoenix: Brackets next generations. #14879

Open core-ai-bot opened 2 years ago

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Issue by abose Monday Aug 30, 2021 at 15:34 GMT Originally opened as

Hello everyone,

Just want to give a heads up on the Phoenix project to take brackets forward.

Phoenix brings brackets to native browsers with full extension support. Phoenix is based on the latest Brackets core and work done by the Mozilla thimble Project. Even though we have had web migration discussions in the community since the first days of brackets, it only became really possible with significant advances in browser capabilities from 2020(native fs access APIs, shared workers for IPC between Phoenix instances, virtualized node fs APIs in the browser). We have built phoenix for the web leveraging these. Phoenix will not have a native installable counterpart, unlike brackets-cont.

The builds are still in early alpha and can be tried out here: image

We are working with devs involved with Mozilla thimble to update libraries part of the thimble project to the latest web technologies. Hopefully, we will be able to get native filesystem access working by September.

There are still a lot of essential features like live view, LSP support, node compatibility layer that are broken and are actively being worked on.

Requesting support from the brackets community for feedback, feature requests, and contributions.

Best, Phoenix Team :)