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[CLOSED] Live Preview MultiBrowser does not launch browser on Linux #9061

Open core-ai-bot opened 2 years ago

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Issue by jatin7gupta Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 06:43 GMT Originally opened as

i did what ever was written in the text, but it didn't open in mozilla firefox beta version

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by ekaradon Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 09:07 GMT

Same here. I am working with Firefox (34.0.5) on a Archlinux 64bits system up-to-date and on a KDE environment. I do not get any error. The thunderbolt stay half-highlighted, see below: snapshot105 I tried both with and without extensions. It does not work anyway. I tried to get logs of error by starting it from shell, but it did not output anything.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 11:57 GMT

@jatin7gupta, this is unfortunate it did not work for you. Are you on Linux? When you say it does not open the page, what exactly does not work? Is the browser not launched? Could you please provide the output you see in the Developer Tools console (use Debug -> Show developer tools to open it)?

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 12:00 GMT

@ekaradon, it would be very helpful to understand the cause if you provided the output on the developer console. I see you have debug.showErrorsInStatusBar on, could you please set it to false, reload Brackets and then use Debug -> Show developer tools to see the console and copy output from it?

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by ekaradon Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 13:03 GMT

@busykai, here my logs:

ownload the React DevTools for a better development experience: /thirdparty/react.js:4356
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
    at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:120:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:4:3) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
    at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:120:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:656:5) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
    at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:120:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:656:17) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
    at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:120:32)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:47:18
    at Function.CodeMirror.getMode (/thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror.js:4615:19)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:614:27
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:656:4) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
    at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:120:32)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:49:5
    at Function.CodeMirror.getMode (/thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror.js:4615:19)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:614:27
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/jade/main.js:656:4) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
getPreferenceStorage is called with client ID '/home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-pep8/main.js,' use PreferencesManager.definePreference instead.
    at Object.getPreferenceStorage (/preferences/PreferencesManager.js:126:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-pep8/main.js:46:42) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Cannot register file extension "html" for Django, it already belongs to HTML /language/LanguageManager.js:632
Cannot register file extension "htm" for Django, it already belongs to HTML /language/LanguageManager.js:632
NodeSocketTransport - start /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
Use WorkspaceManager.createBottomPanel() instead of PanelManager.createBottomPanel().
    at Object.exports.createBottomPanel (/view/PanelManager.js:53:28)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-pep8/main.js:149:38
    at _callHandler (/utils/AppInit.js:93:13)
    at Object._dispatchReady (/utils/AppInit.js:113:13)
    at Object.eval (/brackets.js:290:33)
    at j (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:26860)
    at Object.k.add [as done] (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:27169)
    at Object.d.always (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:28045)
    at Object.eval (/brackets.js:288:30) /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88
Registering for deprecated event 'currentDocumentChange'. Instead, use MainViewManager.currentFileChange. Error
    at Object.on (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:100:43)
    at file:///home/ekaradon/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-pep8/main.js:171:12
    at _callHandler (/utils/AppInit.js:93:13)
    at Object._dispatchReady (/utils/AppInit.js:113:13)
    at Object.eval (/brackets.js:290:33)
    at j (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:26860)
    at Object.k.add [as done] (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:27169)
    at Object.d.always (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:28045)
    at Object.eval (/brackets.js:288:30)
    at j (file:///opt/brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:26860) /utils/EventDispatcher.js:100
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.hideHighlight()"},"id":1} /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87

The last line (NodeSocketTransport) is the only one relevant I think... not sure however.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 14:40 GMT

@ekaradon, thank you for the log. I see. It sounds like your browser does not get started. Do you actually see the browser when you start Live Preview? If not, could you please run the following from the command line:


Does this start a browser for you? If it does not, try following these instructions to set a default browser.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by ekaradon Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 14:47 GMT

I see the browser, but nothing happens (no new tabs open, no new windows, nothing, ...). When I run your command, it opens google on firefox immediately.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 14:53 GMT

@ekaradon, interesting. i'll have to look more into this. just to clarify: if you close the browser, restart Brackets, then click Live Preview icon (w/o the browser running), the browser gets started, does it?

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by ekaradon Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 15:28 GMT

@busykai, I just tried to launch Firefox by just clicking on Live Preview Icon and it did nothing, firefox is not getting launched by Live Preview Icon, even if Firefox is not running.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by pixelr0 Friday Dec 19, 2014 at 16:10 GMT

same here on Ubuntu 15.04

NodeSocketTransport - start /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.hideHighlight()"},"id":1} /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.highlightRule(\"[data-brackets-id='11']\")"},"id":2} /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87

when "livedev.multibrowser": true, i get "Live Preview: Connecting..." but nothing happens.

xdg-open works, also Live Preview works fine when "livedev.multibrowser": false

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by pixelr0 Saturday Dec 20, 2014 at 23:43 GMT

yes, Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by Vinnl Sunday Dec 21, 2014 at 13:10 GMT

Same here, Ubuntu 14.04 with Firefox 34 as the default browser.

NodeSocketTransport - start                        /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.hideHighlight()"},"id":1}                        /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.highlightRule(\"[data-brackets-id='20']\")"},"id":2}                        /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87
NodeSocketTransport - send,,{"method":"Runtime.evaluate","params":{"expression":"_LD.highlightRule(\"[data-brackets-id='2']\")"},"id":3}                        /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87

xdg-open just works.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Monday Dec 22, 2014 at 14:17 GMT

Got it reproduced on Ubuntu 14.04. Working on a fix.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Monday Dec 22, 2014 at 14:57 GMT

There's a workaround. It's a problem with installer/package. Please add exec permission to the following file:

chmod a+x /opt/brackets/www/LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/launchers/node/node_modules/open/vendor/xdg-open
core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Monday Dec 22, 2014 at 14:58 GMT

Clarified the title since the original submitter did not respond and the rest is reporting Linux issue.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by pixelr0 Monday Dec 22, 2014 at 15:08 GMT


sudo chmod a+x /opt/brackets/www/LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/launchers/node/node_modules/open/vendor/xdg-open

fixed it for me on Ubuntu 15.04 (and yes there is something wrong with the installer)

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by ekaradon Tuesday Dec 23, 2014 at 10:18 GMT

thanks@busykai, it fixes my issue too. :+1:

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by thediex09 Saturday Jan 10, 2015 at 08:36 GMT

The fix strats firefox, but does not update the page!

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Saturday Jan 10, 2015 at 17:28 GMT

@thediex09, could you please file another issue since it sounds like you're hitting different problem now? if you have any errors on console (Debug -> Show Developer Tools), please make sure to include them in the report along with normally needed information.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by MarcelGerber Monday Jan 12, 2015 at 14:51 GMT

Fix over at #10267 (was not yet linked).

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by busykai Monday Jan 12, 2015 at 17:18 GMT

Thanks@MarcelGerber! I only references the issue from the commit. By the way, it may be an incomplete solution since I'm not sure if the copying/packager preserves the file modes. If not, then a change to post-install script would be needed. Haven't gotten to test it yet, but will do this week.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by peterflynn Wednesday Feb 25, 2015 at 09:18 GMT

Reopening as FBNC -- we shouldn't close until the adobe/brackets-shell#505 fix has landed in master too.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by peterflynn Wednesday Feb 25, 2015 at 19:49 GMT

Fix is in master too now.

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by Rahajustone Friday Feb 05, 2016 at 20:00 GMT

in ubuntu 15.10 you have to change brackets.json file go to home/.config/Brackets theris a brackets.json file add "livedev.multibrowser":true to the end of file it going to priview in any browsers

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Comment by YousefYounis Saturday Aug 19, 2017 at 19:38 GMT

Hello, I had same problem on Linuxmint 18, tried pixelr0's solution, but it didn't work directly, there was no such path on my system. So I went to the path where I installed XDK, and tried the previous solution, then restarted XDK, and it worked, the path has change a little. On my system it is:


where "/home/yousef/intel" is where I installed XDK finally I restarted XDK, and it worked :)