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Assertions/Evidence Model + alignment with Basal Ganglia #89

Open tekrajchhetri opened 1 week ago

tekrajchhetri commented 1 week ago

Moving discussions here so that we could track things and keep everything organized.

Previously agreed:


Suggestions @tekrajchhetri It is suggested that we re-use the following ontologies as they align with BFO.

  1. ECO
  2. SEPIO
  3. SIO

    Suggested by @satra

  4. For provenance use PROV ontology.
  5. It would be beneficial for our model to adopt a structure similar to that depicted in Figure 1 of Gundersen, O.E. (2021), The Fundamental Principles of Reproducibility, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379(2197), p.20200210.

To do:

For our discussion, I would propose the following structure.

tekrajchhetri commented 4 days ago

Proposal to add new classes/property

I propose the following new classes/properties to be added in our assertion/evidence model. This addition will allow us to record evidence as well as align with (or help standardise) Basil ganglia schema].

Proposed Change

Name of Class/Property:

  1. add datacite:identifier

    Definition: The Identifier is a unique string that identifies a resource. Example: DOI.

  2. add datacite:alternateIdentifier

    Definition: An identifier other than the primary Identifier applied to the resource being registered. This may be any alphanumeric string which is unique within its domain of issue. May be used for local identifiers, a serial number of an instrument or an inventory number. The AlternateIdentifier should be an additional identifier for the same instance of the resource (i.e., same location, same file).

  3. add datacite:format

    Definition: Technical format of the resource. Example: Pdf, XML, ...

    Alternatives: If we want to stay with the PROV ontology, we could also use the prov:atLocation instead of datacite:identifier

  4. add ORCID

    Definition: A standard alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors.



    • Prov:Agent

    Alternatives: If we want to stay with the PROV ontology, we could also use the prov:wasAttributedTo.


Why is this change necessary?

Basal Ganglia Mapped Assertion/Evidence Class
powerpoint_url datacite:identifier (or datacite:alternateIdentifier) + datacite:format
reference datacite:identifier
expert_description brainkb:DataAnnotation

Impact of Change No breaking changes.

I will also create a figure and update it later.

tekrajchhetri commented 2 days ago


Following the _EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology_ I would further suggest have some specific classes for identifier. We can already re-use EDAM one including the identifier replacing dcite:identifier. As you can see from the below screenshot, it's very rich and also contains other genomic and biological terms.


tekrajchhetri commented 2 days ago

Figure below shows the updated view of our ontology (not complete but a snippet) with the Identifier class from EDAM
