brando90 / ML4HOList

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HOList Data

HOList benchmark provide theorem prove logs in two formats (protocol buffer ended with .textpb, tfrecordio – a data type of TensorFlow) so if researchers want to start to train their own models, use tfrecordio file is very direct. Here, we focus on getting the right data to feed into our pipeline. Due to some similarity between pytorch and tensorflow, hopefully we can transform tfrecordio data into pytorch data.

1.To get the original prove log data:

  1. Data transformation from TensorFlow to PyTorch (For details about data format transformation, please refer tensorflow and pytorch docs and also HOL Light and Coq ITPs docs & tutorials ) Some references can be found here: This is about how to transform tensorflow data into PyTorch: Some related codes: \n TFRecords: \n PyTorch: (code) (docs)

To transform the prove logs into Pytorch required data format, we import tensorflow and pytorch in the same program and then read the data by tensorflow then transform it to PyTorch applicable format. Here, in order to make the we mainly take advantage of tensorflow’s data module and then transfrom into pytorch.Tensors (hopefully, DataLoader in module). Please go to the transformation part for implementation details.