brendanjmeade / celeri

Next generation earthquake cycle kinematics
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Segments with 0 `burial_depth` still have elastic Okada deformation even when replaced by a mesh. #110

Closed brendanjmeade closed 1 year ago

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

This feels strange. When a group of segments has a burial_depth of 0 there still seems to be elastic deformation around them associated with Okada dislocations even when the entire group of segments should be replaced by a .msh file. This is unintended behavior.


Expected behavior:

Potential solutions:

jploveless commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure that it's just a burial_depth issue. I'm checking the sum of partials for replaced segments, and only a handful are actually zero. In the Japan example, locking depths are indeed getting set to zero for replaced segments (np.max(segment.locking_depth[toggle_off]) = 0), where toggle_off is the composite conditional statement from zero_mesh_segment_locking_depth, and burial_depth is all zero for these segments as well, but somehow there's a non-zero elastic contribution being calculated.

This is my code for checking these:

# Get indices of toggled-off segments, copied from zero_mesh_locking_depth
toggle_off = np.where((segment.patch_flag != 0) & (segment.patch_file_name != 0) & (segment.patch_file_name <= len(meshes)))[0]
print(np.max(segment.locking_depth[toggle_off])) # Confirm zero LD
print(np.max(segment.burial_depth[toggle_off])) # Confirm zero BD
sum_partials = np.sum(operators.slip_rate_to_okada_to_velocities[:, slice(0, 3*segment.shape[0], 3)], axis=0) # Sum rows of strike-slip partials
print(np.where(sum_partials == 0)) # Segment indices of zero partial sums
print(toggle_off) # Segment indices of toggled-off segments
print(np.intersect1d(np.where(sum_partials == 0), toggle_off)) # Intersection of indices 

I'm not sure what I'm missing or getting wrong here, but I'll keep checking.

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

@jploveless I think I'm understanding this better now. In zero_mesh_segment_locking_depth(segment, meshes) we have the condition:

    toggle_off = np.where(
        (segment.patch_flag != 0)
        & (segment.patch_file_name != 0)
        & (segment.patch_file_name <= len(meshes))

For the case that I'm working on (Anatolia) toggle_off isn't toggling off the segments I expect and the reason for that is that there is only one patch_file_name and its name is 0. I think that's my big problem. Are you using 1 as the name of the first patch_file_name?

jploveless commented 1 year ago

Yes — I am using 1 as the minimum patch_file_name. I did this as a holdover from Matlab, but I think that we might be able to use patch_flag only. Using the file name was important when the edge constraints and smoothing weights were specified just as a vector in the .command file, but now that we use the mesh parameter file for those conditions, we could probably just rely on patch_flag to mark the replacements.

I just did a search through the Blocks repo, and it doesn't seem that Segment.patchFile is used for anything terribly important. I think I liked to use it with SegmentManager just for a visual representation of how segments were associated with meshes. I think this means that we could define:

toggle_off = np.where(segment.patch_flag != 0)[0]

and this would eliminate the zero-based vs. one-based indexing issues that seem to be causing the problem.

Getting back to your original suggestion, I do think it's important to set burial_depth to zero for replaced segments, or else the segment will have a non-zero down-dip width and therefore will have an elastic contribution.

jploveless commented 1 year ago

Murphy's law: I just received an email about Blocks that reminded me of use of the patch_file_name field: the Blocks function TogglePatches.m looks through the segment structure, and if there is a mesh that is listed in the .command file (or .mshp file), but none of its corresponding segments have their toggles turned on, this mesh will be ignored.

A use case for this is a multiple-mesh model where the .segment file is modified to turn off the segment flags for a given mesh, but the same list of meshes is still read in as specified in the .command or .mshp file.

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

Yes — I am using 1 as the minimum patch_file_name. I did this as a holdover from Matlab, but I think that we might be able to use patch_flag only. Using the file name was important when the edge constraints and smoothing weights were specified just as a vector in the .command file, but now that we use the mesh parameter file for those conditions, we could probably just rely on patch_flag to mark the replacements.

I like the separation between patch_flag and patch_file_name. They indicated different things, and so I think it's reasonable to treat them as separate variables. Future us will like this logical clarity!

I think that the "first" patch_file_name should be 0 because it would enable us to use patch_file_name as an index into the meshes list. I don't think we do that now, but that could be super useful in the future.

I just did a search through the Blocks repo, and it doesn't seem that Segment.patchFile is used for anything terribly important. I think I liked to use it with SegmentManager just for a visual representation of how segments were associated with meshes. I think this means that we could define:

toggle_off = np.where(segment.patch_flag != 0)[0]

I like this a lot and think it's the correct design decision. Feel free to push!

and this would eliminate the zero-based vs. one-based indexing issues that seem to be causing the problem.

This makes sense looking at the code. I think the only place we might have issues is in snap_segments where we see (segment.patch_file_name == i + 1) as a part of a conditional. I think we should agree on a clear numbering routine for mesh files. I think starting with 0 would be very pythonic. Happy to discuss this.

Getting back to your original suggestion, I do think it's important to set burial_depth to zero for replaced segments, or else the segment will have a non-zero down-dip width and therefore will have an elastic contribution.

This makes sense. An alternative could be to not touch the locking depths or burial depths at all. Instead, we could just have an if check for patch_flag at some layer into the Okada elastic calculation that would simply return zeros for the cases with where there is a mesh replacing a segment. One plus side of this would be that we would never be modifying the locking depth or burial depth information through a run...actually, I guess we still can with locking depth flags. One downside of this would be that it might require patch_flag at an awkward point on the Okada calculation stack that we might not want for a lot of other reasons. Still writing this down but I think zeroing out the locking depths and burial depths for these segments might be the more reasonable thing to do because it would produce an output segment file that's immediately useful for forward calculations.

Happy to consider other options!

jploveless commented 1 year ago

I like the separation between patch_flag and patch_file_name. They indicated different things, and so I think it's reasonable to treat them as separate variables. Future us will like this logical clarity!

I think that the "first" patch_file_name should be 0 because it would enable us to use patch_file_name as an index into the meshes list. I don't think we do that now, but that could be super useful in the future.

I think this would be fine, but I'm a little concerned about the segments that don't correspond to any patch being assigned a patch_file_name of 0 by default. Should we set those to something like NaN or -999 or just -1? I think this change should be implemented in celeri_ui as well as default behavior when generating a new segment.

I like this a lot and think it's the correct design decision. Feel free to push!

I'll hold off on the toggle testing change until we have a better sense of how to index patch_file_name. If we decide on a negative number for all segments that don't have a mesh, we could keep the composite conditional, just changing it to find segment.patch_file_name >= 0 instead.

This makes sense looking at the code. I think the only place we might have issues is in snap_segments where we see (segment.patch_file_name == i + 1) as a part of a conditional. I think we should agree on a clear numbering routine for mesh files. I think starting with 0 would be very pythonic. Happy to discuss this.

Agreed. This is one place where it's important to keep the reference to the mesh file name. It would be straightforward to just edit snap_segments to correspond to zero-based indexing.

This makes sense. An alternative could be to not touch the locking depths or burial depths at all. Instead, we could just have an if check for patch_flag at some layer into the Okada elastic calculation that would simply return zeros for the cases with where there is a mesh replacing a segment. One plus side of this would be that we would never be modifying the locking depth or burial depth information through a run...actually, I guess we still can with locking depth flags. One downside of this would be that it might require patch_flag at an awkward point on the Okada calculation stack that we might not want for a lot of other reasons. Still writing this down but I think zeroing out the locking depths and burial depths for these segments might be the more reasonable thing to do because it would produce an output segment file that's immediately useful for forward calculations.

I do like the idea of formally zeroing out the locking and burial depths for replaced segments, so that the saved versions of the segment file reflect those changes. I think that any changes we make to the geometry within a celeri run should be preserved as part of the output. As we move toward using more and more meshes, it may make sense to only run the Okada routine for those segments with non-zero locking and burial depths.

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

@jploveless Thanks for all of these ideas! Agreed on all points. Below I've tried to summarize and convert to a finite work list. Let me know what you think

Things that can happen now

Things to consider

jploveless commented 1 year ago addresses the minor code changes (items 1, 2, 4 of the checklist).

I like the workflow for modifying all existing segment files but I haven't done that yet.

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

Wow @jploveless! I'll do the celeri_ui bit (fingers crossed!) and script to update existing segment files.

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

celeri_ui default values for patch_file_name set to -1 in

brendanjmeade commented 1 year ago

Completed with