brenoprata10 / nvim-highlight-colors

Highlight colors for neovim
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#53 breaks lua paths #54

Closed BerkeleyTrue closed 9 months ago

BerkeleyTrue commented 10 months ago

I see this code added last week does not properly append to path. It should prepend a ';' before adding

local lua_rocks_deps_loc = vim.fn.expand("<sfile>:h:r") .. "/../lua/example-plugin/deps"
package.path = package.path .. lua_rocks_deps_loc .. "/lua-?/init.lua"

Also, I don't see the point of this code? Is this some sort of development utility? It doesn't point to anything on my system and it is needlessly polluting user space paths.


brenoprata10 commented 9 months ago

This was fixed on my latest commit