brianhsu / Live2DForScala

Live2D Avatar Studio for Scala (JVM / Linux / Windows / MacOS)
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Doesn't work for wayland, live2d gui initialization failed #7

Open jjiill888 opened 1 month ago

jjiill888 commented 1 month ago

2 days ago, a vtuber using arch+wayland+hyprland as a workbench,provided an issue that the swt linux version doesn't work in wayland, only x11.

Today, I know that wayland at least 6 months ago has supported the java swing framework, so I went to test it using kde neon, but the swing version doesn't work either, the live2 gui initialization fails!

I provided two screenshots about kde neon (using wayland) running swing and swt linux versions. It is normal for the swt linux version to report errors because wayland does not support it at the moment. But swing seems to give an error about JComboBox, I'm trying to get around that!


2024-05-27 141324


2024-05-27 142547
jjiill888 commented 1 month ago

I fix this problem in latest request, my fix comes from faceTracking.

BUT if you want to using swing version in windows, this fix causes an anomaly in graphics alignment in windows environments ╮(╯▽╰)╭ ╮(╯▽╰)╭ ╮(╯▽╰)╭