brtnshrdr / angular2-hotkeys

Keyboard shortcuts for Angular 2 apps
MIT License
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Hotkey params not being passed to mousetrap? #161

Open blake-haas opened 2 years ago

blake-haas commented 2 years ago

I have an issue where if someone holds down the enter key, it spams the hotkey event. I thought it would be as simple as providing the @param action in the hotkey constructor to be 'keyup' but it doesn't appear to do anything. Looking deeper into the source code. It would appear that calls to mousetrap seem to omit extra parameters all together?

Looking at line 33 in hotkeys.directive.ts

Looking at line 67 in [hotkeys.service.ts] This call to mousetrap also doesn't pass in the action parameter from the Hotkey object. It looks to be using "specificEvent" instead.

So it basically seems as though the keyup event should be passed in on the call to Add and not what is defined on the hotkey model as a parameter?