bruceadams / wdscli

Command line interface to the IBM Watson Discovery Service API
MIT License
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ibm-watson watson-discovery


Command line interface to the IBM Watson Discovery Service API Travis build status AppVeyor build status


Binaries (for 64bit x86) are published on our Github releases page.

Also, the Linux binary is available packaged in a small Docker image based on alpine and published on Docker Hub.

Grab the binary for your machine and get it onto your PATH. On macOS, you can use the watson-developer-cloud/tools tap with Homebrew like this:

brew tap watson-developer-cloud/tools
brew install watson-developer-cloud/tools/watson-discovery-tool

Please notice that the installed binary on macOS is named watson-discovery-tool not wdscli. (I may get around to completely renaming this project.)


$ wdscli help
wdscli 2.2.0
Bruce Adams <>
Basic administration for Watson Discovery Service.


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --credentials <credentials>    A JSON file containing service credentials. Default is the
                                       value of the environment variable WDSCLI_CREDENTIALS_FILE or
                                       'credentials.json' when WDSCLI_CREDENTIALS_FILE is not set.

    add-document             Add a document to a collection. [aliases: ad]
    crawler-configuration    Print out crawler configuration. [aliases: cc]
    create-collection        Create a new collection using the most recently created
                             configuration [aliases: cl]
    create-configuration     Create a new configuration. [aliases: cn]
    create-environment       Create a writable environment [aliases: ce]
    delete-collection        Delete a collection. [aliases: dl]
    delete-configuration     Delete a configuration. [aliases: dn]
    delete-document          Delete a document from a collection. [aliases: dd]
    delete-environment       Delete the writable environment [aliases: de]
    generate-completions     Generate a shell command completion script.
    help                     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    notices                  Query ingestion notices for a collection. [aliases: n]
    overview                 Displays information about existing resources. [aliases: o]
    preview                  Preview conversion and enrichment for a document. [aliases: p]
    query                    Query a collection. [aliases: q]
    show-collection          Displays detailed information about a collection. [aliases: sl]
    show-configuration       Displays detailed information about a configuration. [aliases: sn]
    show-document            Displays status information about a document. [aliases: sd]
    show-environment         Displays detailed information about an environment. [aliases: se]
$ wdscli help overview
Displays information about existing resources.

    wdscli overview [FLAGS]

    -g, --guid       Display the GUID for each item
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
$ wdscli overview

Environment: "ba-cadence-testing", size=0, 4 GB disk, 1007.38 MB memory
   Configurations: "Default Configuration"
                   "extract all; english"
   Collections: "irs-pdf" ↳ "extract all; english", 2094 available, 12 failed

Environment: "Watson News Environment" - read only
   Configurations: "Default Configuration"
   Collections: "watson_news" ↳ "Default Configuration", 17271335 available



Every wdscli command (except help) requires credentials for a Watson Discovery Service instance.

Credentials from Bluemix web console

On, find the Watson Discovery instance you want to work with and select that service. The service instance overview screen has three tabs:

Select the Service credentials tab, then select View credentials to see the credentials in JSON format.

Credentials from command line cf tool

The cf command line tool (and the enhanced for Bluemix variant bx) is very powerful. That power comes with a vast array of options that takes time to learn. If you already use cf, you can get the credentials for your service instance with a few commands. First, you need to find the name(s) of the credentials (there can be more than one) with the cf service-keys command (notice keys is plural here). For my service instance named ba-demo:

$ cf service-keys ba-demo
Getting keys for service instance ba-demo as


The credentials name shown here, Credentials-1, is what Bluemix usually creates when you create a service a service instance using the Bluemix web console. The cf service-key (singular key) will show the JSON formatted credentials, like this:

$ cf service-key ba-demo Credentials-1
Getting key Credentials-1 for service instance ba-demo as

 "password": "a password",
 "url": "",
 "username": "74c397c5-1ef1-4976-a0e8-89a0b831d679"

To directly write these credentials to a file, you can use tail -5 to only save the last five lines of the output, which is in JSON format.

$ cf service-key ba-demo Credentials-1 | tail -5 > credentials.json

Customizing X-Global-Transaction-ID

There is a subtle feature for customizing the value of the HTTP header X-Global-Transaction-ID. The value of the environment variable X_GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID will be used as the beginning of the header value. (The default is wdsapi.)

For example, running this command:

X_GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID=demo-tx-header wdscli overview

will send X-Global-Transaction-ID headers with the values: demo-tx-header-0, demo-tx-header-1, demo-tx-header-2 … The sequence number is incremented for each Discovery API call that is made.


I highly recommend installing Rust using (which boils down to curl -sSf | sh). This project depends on several packages from and wdsapi.

cargo build