brucemiller / LaTeXML

LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
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=head1 L<LaTeXML|>

=for html license CPAN version

LaTeXML is a TeX & LaTeX to XML, HTML, MathML, ePub, JATS, ... converter.

See the included L<Manual|> for documentation.

The official project home page is at L

LaTeXML development is currently hosted on L<GitHub|>, where you can retrieve and browse the current source, along with an L<Issue tracker|> and L<Wiki|>.

For general discussion feel free to join the L<mailing list|>.

=head1 L<LICENSE|>

See the L<LICENSE|> file for copyright and licensing information.

=head1 L<AUTHOR|>

Bruce R. Miller,, Deyan Ginev,
