brummer10 / Xmonk.lv2

An LV2 toy
6 stars 3 forks source link

Make fails #2

Closed spectromas closed 4 years ago

spectromas commented 4 years ago

Not really sure what the error is. This is after following the build instructions on Neon (ubuntu 18)

make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xputty'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xputty/Build'
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary directory_open.png -o ../../Build/directory_open.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary choice.png -o ../../Build/choice.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary message.png -o ../../Build/message.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary error.png -o ../../Build/error.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary xputty_logo.png -o ../../Build/xputty_logo.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary info.png -o ../../Build/info.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary directory.png -o ../../Build/directory.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary warning.png -o ../../Build/warning.o
cd ../libxputty/resources/ && ld -r -b binary question.png -o ../../Build/question.o
rm -f ../libxputty/resources/xresources.h
for f in directory_open_png choice_png message_png error_png xputty_logo_png info_png directory_png warning_png question_png; do \
        echo 'EXTLD('${f}')' >> ../libxputty/resources/xresources.h ; \
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xfilepicker.c -o xfilepicker.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xwidget_private.c -o xwidget_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xadjustment.c -o xadjustment.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xasprintf.c -o xasprintf.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xputty.c -o xputty.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xcolor.c -o xcolor.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xpngloader.c -o xpngloader.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xchildlist.c -o xchildlist.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xadjustment_private.c -o xadjustment_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xchildlist_private.c -o xchildlist_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/xwidget.c -o xwidget.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xtooltip.c -o xtooltip.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlistbox_private.c -o xlistbox_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlabel.c -o xlabel.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlistview.c -o xlistview.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xknob_private.c -o xknob_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xcombobox_private.c -o xcombobox_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xtooltip_private.c -o xtooltip_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlabel_private.c -o xlabel_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlistview_private.c -o xlistview_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xslider.c -o xslider.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xmenu.c -o xmenu.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xmeter_private.c -o xmeter_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xbutton_private.c -o xbutton_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xlistbox.c -o xlistbox.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xslider_private.c -o xslider_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xknob.c -o xknob.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xmenu_private.c -o xmenu_private.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xbutton.c -o xbutton.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xmeter.c -o xmeter.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/widgets/xcombobox.c -o xcombobox.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/dialogs/xfile-dialog.c -o xfile-dialog.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -c ../libxputty/dialogs/xmessage-dialog.c -o xmessage-dialog.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmime.c -o xdgmime.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimecache.c -o xdgmimecache.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimeparent.c -o xdgmimeparent.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimeint.c -o xdgmimeint.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimeicon.c -o xdgmimeicon.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimeglob.c -o xdgmimeglob.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimealias.c -o xdgmimealias.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
cc -MMD -Wall -DHAVE_MMAP -c ../libxputty/xdgmime/xdgmimemagic.c -o xdgmimemagic.o -I. -I../header/ -I../header/widgets/ -I../libxputty/resources/ -I../header/dialogs/ -I../libxputty/xdgmime/ -fPIC `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm
ar rcs libxputty.a xfilepicker.o xwidget_private.o xadjustment.o xasprintf.o xputty.o xcolor.o xpngloader.o xchildlist.o xadjustment_private.o xchildlist_private.o xwidget.o xtooltip.o xlistbox_private.o xlabel.o xlistview.o xknob_private.o xcombobox_private.o xtooltip_private.o xlabel_private.o xlistview_private.o xslider.o xmenu.o xmeter_private.o xbutton_private.o xlistbox.o xslider_private.o xknob.o xmenu_private.o xbutton.o xmeter.o xcombobox.o xfile-dialog.o xmessage-dialog.o directory_open.o choice.o message.o error.o xputty_logo.o info.o directory.o warning.o question.o xdgmime.o xdgmimecache.o xdgmimeparent.o xdgmimeint.o xdgmimeicon.o xdgmimeglob.o xdgmimealias.o xdgmimemagic.o
mkdir -p ./include/
cp ../header/*.h ./include/
cp ../header/widgets/*.h ./include/
cp ../header/dialogs/*.h ./include/
cp ../libxputty/resources/xresources.h ./include/
cp ../libxputty/xdgmime/*.h ./include/
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xputty/Build'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xputty'
make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xmonk'
generate resource files,
g++ -I. -I./dsp -I./plugin -fPIC -DPIC -O2 -Wall -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrength-reduce -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -msse3 -mfpmath=sse plugin/Xmonc.cpp  -I. -shared -lm  -o
cc -I. -I./dsp -I./plugin -fPIC -DPIC -O2 -Wall -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrength-reduce -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -Wl,-z,nodelete gui/Xmonc_x11ui.c gui/mandala.o -I./gui -I../Xputty/Build/include/ -L. ../Xputty/Build/libxputty.a -shared `pkg-config --static --cflags --libs cairo x11` -lm  -o
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lffi
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:103: recipe for target 'Xmonc' failed
make[1]: *** [Xmonc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/alex/.git_repos/Xmonk.lv2/Xmonk'
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'Xmonk' failed
make: *** [Xmonk] Error 2
brummer10 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for report the error. In fact we didn't need libffi, but it was introduced by wrongly setting the pgk-config flag for cairo. I've pushed a fix for that now to the repository

cvazx commented 4 years ago

Having a similar issue, tho slightly different... $ make make[1]: Entering directory '/home/carl/Xmonk.lv2-master/Xputty' make[1]: No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Xmonk.lv2-master/Xputty' Makefile:9: recipe for target 'Xputty' failed make: [Xputty] Error 2

brummer10 commented 4 years ago

It seems you've forgotten to run: git submodule init and git submodule update before make.

cvazx commented 4 years ago

Thx. Yep, tried that before also.. Xmonk.lv2-master$ git submodule init fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git carl@cv:~/Downloads/Xmonk.lv2-master$ git submodule update fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git carl@cv:~/Downloads/Xmonk.lv2-master$ make make[1]: Entering directory '/home/carl/Downloads/Xmonk.lv2-master/Xputty' make[1]: No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Downloads/Xmonk.lv2-master/Xputty' Makefile:9: recipe for target 'Xputty' failed make: [Xputty] Error 2

brummer10 commented 4 years ago

Please clone the repository, not just download it.

cvazx commented 4 years ago

Bingo !
