bsc-iitm / Data-Visualization-Design-CS4001

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Graded Assignment -3 (Jan Term 2023):- Effective Visualization of Data #7

Open Jimmi-Kr opened 1 year ago

Jimmi-Kr commented 1 year ago

After World War II, antibiotics were considered "wonder drugs", since they were easy cures for what had been intractable ailments. To learn which drug worked most effectively for which bacterial infection, the performance of the three most popular antibiotics on 16 bacteria was gathered. The values in the table represent the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), a measure of the effectiveness of the antibiotic, which represents the concentration of antibiotic required to prevent growth in vitro. The reaction of the bacteria to Gram staining is described by the covariate “gram staining”. Bacteria that are stained dark blue or violet are Gram-positive. Otherwise, they are Gram-negative.

Your task is to design a chart that you believe effectively communicates the data and provide a short write-up (no more than 4 paragraphs) describing your design.

As different visualizations can emphasize different aspects of a data set, you should document what aspects of the data you are attempting to most effectively communicate. Just as important, also note which aspects of the data might be obscured or downplayed due to your visualization design.

In your write-up, you should provide a rigorous rationale for your design decisions. Document the visual encodings you used and why they are appropriate for the data. These decisions include the choice of visualization type, size, color, scale, and other visual elements, as well as the use of sorting or other data transformations. How do these decisions facilitate effective communication?

Here is the link for the dataset: Butin_antibiotic_data.xlsx

cheriangeorge commented 1 year ago


Design decisions

A conscious design decision was made to represent more effective antibiotics with smaller drops as this is closest to reality. Initial explorations with quite a few number transformations to visually encode 'larger is better' were unsatisfactory. This visualisation does not represent precise concentrations (hard to show the difference between 0.005 and 0.001) and the exact numerical values have been deliberately avoided in the visualisation.

Visual Encoding, Colour and Scale

The light-blue circle represents a petri-dish with the bacteria (10,00,000 units of area) and the dark-blue drop represents the antibiotic. The size of the drop represents the minimum concentration of antibiotic required to prevent bacterial growth in vitro. The largest drop represents 8,70,000 units of area and the smallest drop represents 1 unit of area.

The smaller the drop size the more effective the antibiotic is against that specific bacteria. The legend provided shows the concentration corresponding to each drop size.

The reaction of bacteria to covariate gram staining has been represented by pink (negative) and violet (positive) circles. The positive staining bacteria and negative staining bacteria have been bunched separately.

imaadansari1 commented 1 year ago

Imaad Ansari - 21f1004808


Design Decisions

Scale, Color and Visual Encoding


Chaitanya-Kumaria commented 1 year ago

Name : Chaitanya Kumaria

Roll No: 21f1000479


Aim Of The Visualization


Supe-Tushar commented 1 year ago

Name: Tushar Supe Roll: 21F1003637

DVD Assignment Bacteria Final

Design Decisions

Scale, Visual Encoding, and Color

Tools used

kun101 commented 1 year ago

Kunal Chaturvedi 21f1003353 Flourish Link :

DVD GA3 (4)

Purpose of the chart The given data conveys how certain medicines worked effectively to treat ailments caused by certain bacteria after World War 2. As mentioned, these were called Wonder Drugs and worked very well against the above mentioned bacteria. The primary objective of the visualization is to present to the user a quick overview where he/she can quickly determine which drug works better against a certain bacteria.

Data Processing I have normalized the MIC values using the median (1) so that the smaller values become larger and the larger values become smaller, as the goal of the visualization is to show effectiveness of the medicines and the really small values, like 0.001 can be converted to larger values. I then proceed to plot these in a donut chart as mentioned below using Flourish, as it is easy to plot and edit the visualizations on it.

Design Decision I have used a grid of donut charts to represent this information as it is easier to read for the user. I considered using a sunburst chart for this as this is a hierarchical data, but the leaves of the sunburst chart start getting crowded around the same level and it gets difficult to read unless it is an interactive data visualization.

Further I have explained all the metrics and the title/description of the visualization clearly along with footnotes to the reader for better understanding.

I have added the positive and negative Gram Straining readings along with the names of the bacteria to make a distinction while reading the chart itself.

Lastly, a legend has been added to identify the medicines by colour clearly.

Shortcomings My chart doesn't clearly suggest the concentration of the medicine required to treat the ailment but only presents the most effective medicines, showing which cure is the best.

Tools Used Google Sheets for Data Processing Flourish for Data Visualization

Chirag-Goel-17 commented 1 year ago

Chirag Goel 21f2000540

Frame 2

Design Decision

Scale, Color and Visual Encoding

Tools used

aryab-sudo commented 1 year ago

Personal Details

Name: Arya Bhattacharyya Roll Number: 21f2000436

Final Visualization (Submitted for Grading)

Frame 1 (1)

Please note: For some reason the GitHub upload looks very hazy. However, on clicking on the image, the image opens on a separate tab and looks clearer. My earnest request would be to kindly look at the visualization separately by clicking on the image. Thank You!

Audience And Purpose

The main purpose of this visualization is to inform the common citizen about the efficacies of three common drugs available in the market. The efficacy is with regards to the bacteria under consideration and the corresponding MIC values of the different drugs.

Design Decisions

  1. In common thought process, usually we associate the left side to be the negative side and the right side to be the positive side. The visualization is in line with the same by having gram negative bacteria on the left of the Gram-positive bacteria.
  2. Given that we know that the strain of the Gram-positive bacteria is dark blue/violet, the colour of the container rectangle corresponding to the Gram-positive bacteria is violet/dark blue in colour. Since the strain of the Gram-negative bacteria are any colour apart from the ones that belong to gram positive, I chose red colour to contrast it better from the Gram-positive bacteria.
  3. Regarding the actual plot, I chose a scatter plot because I felt it was the most appropriate for this kind of data wherein, we need to compare the efficacy of each drug for different bacteria. Column Charts were also a viable option but, in my opinion, they increase the clutter a bit especially when across different bacteria the order of efficacy could change, and average efficacy might be difficult to understand/visualize. Line Chart helps to fully visualize the changing efficacies across different bacteria strains, but when explicitly connecting dots (on the main chart) across the different bacteria like the following chart: DVD Assignment 3@2x (1)

could lead to misrepresentation on what the connecting lines across dots could mean, because line charts like these are usually used for time series and the connecting lines imply intermediate values, which is not the case here. (PS: This chart is only used to explain the design decision and is not the final chart. Only the first chart is to be considered for final grading. Thank You!)

  1. Since this chart is meant for the common citizen, a separate "Did You Know" blob is added with the usual bulb symbol to help the possibly unaware audience that the lesser value of MIC is considered better and more efficient. This reduces confusion from the common feeling of "more the better" or "bigger the better" which common citizens are exposed to in most of everyday life.
  2. Since this visualization is not designed to act as a manual for actual doctors/medical practitioners who want to prescribe medicines, it doesn't detail the exact value of the MIC corresponding to each data point. It simply plots the values against the axis.
  3. The provided excel sheet was reorganized to have Gram-negative bacteria first and then the Gram-positive bacteria. This helps me to club them according to their strain and also in such a way that gram negative is on the left of the gram positive bacteria.
  4. The grid lines are kept intact so that the audience can quickly get a rough idea of the MIC value of the different drugs corresponding to each of the different bacteria.
  5. The visual encoding for the different drugs is assigned in a way that the audience can easily differentiate between the various dots corresponding to the different drugs.
  6. The size of the dots is kept as small as possible to avoid overlaps unless they have the same value. In the case of an unavoidable overlap because of space constraints, the different dots are labelled with arrows to indicate the specific drugs that they correspond to.
  7. The scale used for this visualization is the log scale (with some intermediate helper values) because of wide range of the data at hand and the possible loss of discernment when using the linear scale like in the following chart: DVD Assignment 3@2x (2) (PS: This chart is only used to explain the design decision and is not the final chart. Only the first chart is to be considered for final grading. Thank You!)

Things that my visualization misses

  1. As mentioned earlier, the exact MIC value is not mentioned in this static rendering of the chart. (However, the same is available on the flourish link, on the hovering of the mouse.
  2. There could be more factors to consider while choosing a particular drug, like its price, side effects, specific allergies of different people, etc. This visualization is not meant to be a prescribing tool. And therefore, it misses out on this information too and only focusses on the MIC values as the criteria of effectiveness.

Tools used

  1. Flourish for the main plot (Link to the main plot on flourish:
  2. Figma for additional touches of design.
puvvadasaikiran commented 1 year ago

Puvvada Saikiran (21f1005095) image

Data Specifications/Overview:


Data Decisions

Rationale behind design decisions

Tools Used

Saha-Sumistha commented 1 year ago

Name - Sumistha Saha

Roll No - 21F1000276

Visualization Link - Click Here

Screenshot 2023-03-04 120619 Screenshot 2023-03-04 120237

Design Decisions

During the post-World War II period, antibiotics were considered "wonder drugs".Here this given data consists of which drug worked most effectively for which bacterial infection. On 16 types of bacteria, the three most popular antibiotics(Penicilin, Streptomycin, Neomycin) were evaluated.

Scale, Visual Encoding, and Color

Improvement Point :

Due to the wide range of data values if we omitted the data labels then the visualization would have conveyed the wrong message for the lower-position bacteria

Tools Used

Laha-Dibyendu commented 1 year ago

Name : Dibyendu Laha

Roll : 21F1006498

Link to the visualization :- Click Here


Design Decisions

The given data consists of which wonder drug worked most effectively against bacterial infection. On 16 types of bacteria, the three most popular antibiotics(Penicilin, Streptomycin, Neomycin) were evaluated.

Aspects of the data which is missing

Tools Used

midhuncrajan commented 1 year ago

Name - Midhun Rajan Roll No - 21F1006973 Visualization link:


Design and data preprocessing A conscious design decision was made to represent more effective antibiotics with larger the better pattern. But the data is in the form of lesser the better format. I tried few varieties of visualization without preprocessing the data. But result was not that much good as expected. I have taken the inverse of all MIC data, then normalized it by diving with maximum value of corresponding row. I have used excel to do the transformations.

I have decided to use stacked bar chart to do the visualization so that a viewer can easily understand the effectiveness of antibiotics very quickly in a larger the better manner. I selected one of the color palette from flourish and proceed with it. I have decided to create a interactive visualization to distinguish between gram positive and gram negative category to avoid a congested feeling in the visualization.

Legends and annotations I have given all the metrics in the the visualization and added footnotes also to avoid any confusion. Legend has been added for antibiotics with color to identify effectively. Bacterial names are included in the Y axis. X axis is using to denote the effectiveness. Filter option has been added to switch between positive and negative gram stains.

Shortcomings MIC values are not showing in the visualization as I transformed it to visualize in larger the better format. Can't easily distinguish the gram negative and positives without filtering

Tools used MS Excel- Preprocessing Flourish studio - Visualization

21f1004861-HarshithaSrikanth commented 1 year ago

Name:Harshitha Srikanth Roll number:21f1004861

Link to flourish visualization:

image image

Design Decisions:

Scale, Visual Encoding, Colour:


Tools used: Flourish

ShagunDwivedi commented 1 year ago

Effective Visualization of Data

Shagun Dwivedi 21F1001731

Wonder Drugs (antibiotics) were easy cures for ailments considered ailments during the Second World War. The visualisation is primarily meant to find the most effective antibiotic out of the three wonder drugs, Penicillin, Streptomycin, and Neomycin on different bacterial infections. Moreover, these bacteria can be categorised into Gram-Positive (purple/blue stained) or Gram-Negative (pink stained), based on their reaction to Gram staining.

Shagun Dwivedi 21F10017312

Description and Rationale

Downplayed Elements

yatinchug01 commented 1 year ago

Name: Yatin Chug Roll no: 21f1007066

Positive original


Design Decisions

jemma-mg commented 1 year ago

Name: Jemma Mariya George Roll no: 21f1001937

21F1001937 - antibiotics MIC comparison 1

Visual Encoding, Colour and Scale of Design

Legends and annotations:

Legends and annotations have been provided to facilitate effective communication of the given data.


In this visualization, only 3 levels of opacity have been defined so that it is easily distinguishable. But it does not precisely represent concentrations as per the color opacity level (eg: 0.001*100% = 0.1% opacity).

Tools used:

Figma, Excel

Devjyoti-Chakrabarti commented 1 year ago

Roll Number: 21f1006240 Name: Devjyoti Chakrabarti

Clear thinking made visible. At the outset, it is essential to recognise that this is a lot of data, while there are only 16 records, each record has minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for 3 antibiotics and information about gram staining. Thus effective communication of this data required some thought. The MIC is a measure of the effectiveness of a drug where the lower the MIC value, the lesser the amount of drug required to inhibit the growth of the organism, drugs with lower MIC scores are more effective antimicrobial agents. So I created two more columns in the given excel sheet, one column containing the lowest MIC values among the three antibiotics and another having the name of the antibiotic with the least MIC.

Instead of creating multiple charts, I wanted to create a single chart which housed all this information neatly. What I wanted to convey in my visualization was that these antibiotics have different gram staining on different bacteria and how effective these antibiotics are against these microbes (as reflected by the MIC values). Using the updated data, I proceeded with plotting a bubble chart, the choice of this type of chart will soon become clear. The antibiotics are on the Y-axis and the bacteria are on the X-axis. A dot represents which antibiotic is most effective against a particular type of bacteria. The colour of the dot varies according to whether gram staining is positive or negative. Additionally, albeit an antibiotic might be most effective among the three against a specific bacteria, the MIC value shows how much of the antibiotic is required in inhibiting the bacteria. So the size of the dots varies depending on the MIC value. For instance, the very small dot against penicillin and brucella anthracis, reflects that a very small amount of penicillin (just 0.001 μg/mL) is required in stopping its growth. Hence why the choice of bubble chart in showing this multi-dimensional data.

Differing MIC Antibiotics (1) (Note: Please click the below link to view the complete visualization where hovering over each dot shows information about the differing MIC values which is not visible in the above image.

Moreover, the choice of the title and subtitle adequately conveys the message and goal of the visualization and what each dot represents. And the legend on the top right corner helps to identify the colour coding of the dots. The footer at the bottom defines MIC for viewers possibly not familiar with such terminology. Thus, through pre-processing of data, the choice of chart type and heuristics about titles, headers and footers, my visualization manages to make visible the necessary information effectively that I had intended to convey.

Tools Used: Flourish Studio

ayushpatidar14 commented 1 year ago
Name: Ayush Patidar
Roll No: 21f1004981



Idea behind creating the visualization is to compare and highlight the performance/effectiveness of the three antibiotics drugs against different bacteria. It makes it easier to select most effective antibiotic to fight any particular bacteria.

Design decisions and rationale behind it:


rajanways commented 1 year ago

Name: Rajan Kumar Roll Number: 21f1006139

                          ****Butin's Antibiotic Data** **Final Data Visualisation****
Screenshot 2023-03-04 at 8 27 23 PM

Design Decision AND Scale, Colour and Visual Encoding

The data presented evaluates the effectiveness of three popular antibiotics - Penicillin, Streptomycin, and Neomycin - against 16 types of bacteria to determine which wonder drug works best against bacterial infection. The purpose of the visualization is to demonstrate the contribution of each drug to the prevention of bacterial infection. A Bar Chart was carefully selected as the design for its ease of interpretation by individuals of any background. The Y-axis displays the name of the bacteria while the X-axis displays the MIC value. The data values are presented in two visualizations, one for gram-positive bacteria and the other for gram-negative. To distinguish between the drugs, contrasting colors were chosen for Penicillin, Streptomycin, and Neomycin. White-colored data labels were used to ensure ease of readability, and axes labels were included to properly convey the visualization.

Legends and annotations: To enable clear communication of the presented data, explanatory notes and labels have been included.

Tools used Microsoft Excel

F.N.:- The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) refers to the amount of antibiotic necessary to inhibit in vitro growth, and the effectiveness of the antibiotic increases as the MIC decreases.

mukeshonlinesiitm commented 1 year ago

Name: Mukesh Kumar Singh Roll no: 21f1000350


Design Decisions:

The data set reveals information about MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) of three antibiotics against 16 bacterias. As per rule the lower the value of MIC the more effective a particular antibiotic is considered. While doing the analysis of data I feel that ratio scale of MIC is vary from 0.001 to 850 in different antibiotics against bacteria. Plotting any graph on such data set hide some of antibiotics value as values are very low but in reality these values needs to show in graph as lower the MIC more effective bacteria. So I derived MIC value into LOG so that it reduce to lower values but as log make some value to negative and showing negative and positive ration is not effective in graph. Then I used Exponential function on top of log as Exponential always return +ve value and it scale the entire data between 0.04 to 19.

On derived data, I plotted 2d cluster bar plot make X-axis as Bacteria and Y-axis the derived value and cluster for antibiotic. In Cluster for each antibiotic used hollow block with different colour. Purpose of hollow block is that I can fill colour to make which antibiotic is more effective against specified bacteria. I used red colour to fill as it make reader to understand faster. To distinguished the Gram staining I used different colour based on actual Gram-Stain colour. For Gram Positive “crystal violet” colour and Gram Negative “pink” colour is used.

Addition to above also reader can notice that the Penicillin is most effective against Gram Positive 4 out of 7 that means around 57% effective. Whereas Penicillin is less effective against Gram Negative.


Neomycin is more effective in general 11 out of 16 that means around 69% effective and Streptomycin is less effective. Above graph is just to prove above statement only.

Legends and annotations: All Legends and annotations are added to make chart self-readable.

Tools used Microsoft Excel and manually some annotation used in excel to make chart effective.

Downplayed: As i used the derivied value to display the chart which make diffculate readed to know the actual value of MIC.

SamandeepSinghTomar commented 1 year ago
Name: Samandeep Singh Tomar
Roll No: 21f1001112

Efficiency of Antibiotics (1)

Design decisions:

Visualization type: I chose a percentage stacked bar chart because it effectively shows the relative effectiveness of each antibiotic for each bacteria. The stacked bars allow for easy comparison of the antibiotic effectiveness across bacteria, while the percentage scale facilitates comparison of the relative contribution of each antibiotic to the overall effectiveness.

Size: I opted for a medium-sized chart to ensure that all the data is legible and easy to compare.

Scale: The x-axis represents the bacteria, sorted alphabetically, and the y-axis represents the percentage effectiveness of the antibiotics. The percentage scale facilitates comparison between antibiotics and bacteria.

Effectiveness of antibiotics for bacterial infections:

The percentage stacked bar chart visualizes the relative effectiveness of three antibiotics – Penicillin, Streptomycin, and Neomycin – on 16 different bacterial infections. The stacked bars are sorted alphabetically by bacteria name on the x-axis and show the percentage effectiveness of each antibiotic on the y-axis.

In conclusion, the percentage stacked bar chart is an effective way to visualize the relative effectiveness of antibiotics on different bacterial infections. It allows for easy comparison of the effectiveness of each antibiotic across all bacteria and can help in identifying the most effective antibiotic for each bacterial infection. The use of color coding, percentage scale, and sorting by bacteria name facilitates easy interpretation and comparison of the data.

Tools Used: Flourish

deysanjeeb commented 1 year ago

Name: Sanjeeb Dey Roll Number: 21f1002729 Visualization can be seen here Assignment 3 (4)

Design Decisions: Using a stacked bar chart we can see which antibiotic is most effective for every bacterial infection by utilizing MIC. The bar chart is arranged in descending order according to the effectiveness. I have utilized vivid colors to make it easy to look at the bars.

Tools used: Google Sheets and Flourish

royjohn15 commented 1 year ago

Name: Roy John

Roll number: 21f1007054

Burtin's Antibiotic Data Burtin's Antibiotic Data (1) Burtin's Antibiotic Data (2)

Design Decisions

I went with a radial tree as it is a compact way of visualizing our data. It is also aesthetically pleasing. It effectively communicates the intention of the dataset. The colors used in the chart clearly distinguish between the negative and positive gram stains. The bars that are colored red are negatively stained bacteria and that are colored blue are positively colored. For each antibiotic a separate radial tree ensures a better understanding of the data. The length of the bars encodes the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The hierarchy of the graph is: Gram Staining -> Bacteria.


The bars for low values of MIC are not visible. It is hard to compare between the low values.

Tools used

Flourish Studio and Photoshop

deekshaChutani commented 1 year ago

Deeksha Chutani: 21F1002583


Design Decisions

Visual Encoding, Colour and Scale


I haven't effectively presented labels and can certainly improve upon them.

Tools Used

kumar-cmd commented 1 year ago

Kumar Chandan: 21F1004845

Page 2 (4)

Mathematics of Visualization At first i thought to create some bar chart or pie chart to show the relative effectiveness of antibiotics but again thought to analyse it mathematically before going to design. Then i thought that how many attribute and dimension we can extract from this table using statistical analysis.

So I found few things:

Design Decisions:

Now we can see that we have almost 5 dimension for this visualisation . Once i got the idea that how many things i need to actually convey through pictorial way, then i started thinking about shape , color, size to display all things visually and better way. After going multiple shape i chose the multilayered donut chart.

Since the design i thought mentally was not available at my known visual tools. So i decided to make it using javascript over web from core level myself and here i chose D3.JS to design the shape.

Scale, Visual Encoding, Colour:

Scale : Since data is distributed exponentially , So i need to scale it before making smooth visual distributions . I chose the to scale at logarithmic scale(log base 2) . I used Pandas to scaling and analysis the data which is shown below

Screen Shot 2023-03-05 at 1 39 05 AM

Details about Visual Encoding and Colour :

Tools used: I didn't use any pre existing tools cause it was not able to satisfy my requirements (based on the tools i am familiar with ).So i chose the make using basic level. For visual : JavaScript , D3.JS, HTML, SVG For data analysis : Colab, pandas, numpy

21f1003953 commented 1 year ago


Aim of the Visualization:

Design Decision:

Scale, Visual Encoding, and Color:

Tools Used:

Ajay-Kumar-1998 commented 1 year ago

Ajay Kumar- 21F1000200


Design Decisions

Visual Encoding, Colour and Scale


Tools Used

kevin-IITM commented 1 year ago

Kevin Varghese - 21f1004582

IIT Data Viz Week3

Design Decisions Represent the data in a hierarchal structure splitting based on the antibiotic used to emphasize the strong influence of penicillin.

Visual Encoding, Colour and Scale

Tools used Google Sheets Google Colab Flourish Studio

shaifalivashistha commented 1 year ago

Name : Shaifali Vashistha Roll No. : 21f1003257 Link to Vizualizarion: Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Antibiotics on Bacterial Strains by Gram Staining



Design Decision:

Based on the dataset, I designed a grouped bar chart to effectively communicate the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of three popular antibiotics (Penicillin, Streptomycin, and Neomycin) on 16 different bacterial strains, grouped by their Antibiotics used on them. The chart is titled "Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Antibiotics on Bacterial Strains by Gram Staining." The choice of a grouped bar chart is appropriate because it allows the comparison of the MIC values of the three antibiotics on each bacterial strain, while also providing an easy comparison between three antibiotics Penicillin, streptomycin, and Neomycin.

Legends, Annotation, Visual encoding, and coloring of the visualization:

The chart has the Bacteria names on the x-axis, and the MIC values on the y-axis, with the Gram staining variable represented by a switch present above the visualization. The bars are colored pink for Penicillin, Violet for Streptomycin, and peach for Neomycin antibiotic The bars are labeled with MIC values to facilitate easy comparison and interpretation of the effectiveness of the antibiotics against the different bacterial strains. The color encoding of the bars also makes it easy to identify which antibiotic is Penicillin, which is Streptomycin, and which is Neomycin, without requiring the reader to refer to a legend. For better differentiation the switch between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria is present.

Observations: The chart clearly shows that Penicillin is most effective against Gram-positive bacteria, while Streptomycin and Neomycin are more effective against Gram-negative bacteria.

Possible Drawbacks of the Visualization: However, the chart design may obscure some details such as the actual MIC values of each antibiotic used on bacteria. Therefore, the chart may not be suitable for readers who need detailed information on the specific MIC values for each Antibiotic. Overall, the chart design effectively communicates the relative effectiveness of the two different bacterial strains grouped by antibiotics used on them.

Tools used: