Open bsherin opened 1 year ago
I had to comment out the line in context_react.jsx that does this. When it's in I get a maximum depth exceeded error every time. The line is in here:
_goToModule(module_name, line_number){ for (let tab_id in this.state.tab_panel_dict) { let pdict = this.state.tab_panel_dict[tab_id]; if (pdict.kind == "creator-viewer" && pdict.panel.resource_name == module_name) { this._handleTabSelect(tab_id, this.state.selectedTabId, null,()=>{ if ("line_setter" in pdict) { pdict.line_setter(line_number) } }); return } } let self = this; let the_view = view_views()["tile"]; const re = new RegExp("/$"); the_view = the_view.replace(re, "_in_context"); postAjaxPromise($SCRIPT_ROOT + the_view, {context_id: window.context_id, resource_name: module_name}) .then((data)=>{ const new_id = `${data.kind}: ${data.resource_name}`; const drmethod = (dmethod) => {self._registerDirtyMethod(new_id, dmethod)}; this._addPanel(new_id, data.kind, data.res_type, data.resource_name, "spinner", ()=> { let new_panel = self.propDict[data.kind](data, drmethod, (new_panel)=>{ this._updatePanel(new_id, {panel: new_panel}, ()=>{ let pdict = self.state.tab_panel_dict[new_id]; // pdict.line_setter(line_number) // gives maximum depth exceeded error }); }); }) }) .catch(doFlash); return }
I had to comment out the line in context_react.jsx that does this. When it's in I get a maximum depth exceeded error every time. The line is in here: