btey / openproject-gitlab-integration

OpenProject module for integration with Gitlab
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Pipelines feature] Beta Test Feedback #43

Open btey opened 10 months ago

btey commented 10 months ago

It is not easy to perform functional tests of the pipline webhook since it requires having an environment configured with GitLab runners in which to run the tests. If you have had the opportunity to test the plugin by activating the webhook for pipelines, please include your comments in this issue indicating if it worked for you or if you found any bugs.

Above all, keep in mind what was commented in the Readme; not all pipelines will be sent from GitLab and processed by OpenProject, only the Merge Request pipelines (see

Thank you.

foxweb commented 10 months ago

Woohoo! Of course, I use pipelines and will definitely test this feature. I have several ideas for new version received in feedback from users. Where can I report them?

btey commented 10 months ago

@foxweb Feel free to create new [Enhancement] issues. We will try to do the best we can.

foxweb commented 10 months ago

Thank you for you work! There is good improvements! Please check my new PRs.

foxweb commented 9 months ago

Attempts to send a test pipeline request cause 500 errors on the OpenProject side. I will study and look further to find out more details.

D, [2023-11-27T23:56:28.000451 #7975] DEBUG -- : Received gitlab webhook pipeline_hook
E, [2023-11-27T23:56:28.001521 #7975] ERROR -- : Failed to handle pipeline_hook from Gitlab: undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass
D, [2023-11-27T23:56:28.019114 #7975] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Pluck (1.5ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
E, [2023-11-27T23:56:28.021714 #7975] ERROR -- : user=29 undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass: undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass
D, [2023-11-27T23:56:28.021813 #7975] DEBUG -- : [NoMethodError] undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass: modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handler/pipeline_hook.rb:56:in `associated_with_mr?'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handler/pipeline_hook.rb:40:in `process'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:68:in `block in pipeline_hook'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:75:in `with_logging'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:67:in `pipeline_hook'; lib_static/open_project/notifications.rb:57:in `block in subscribe'; lib_static/open_project/notifications.rb:81:in `send'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/hook_handler.rb:60:in `process'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/engine.rb:55:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Engine>'; modules/webhooks/lib/open_project/webhooks/hook.rb:44:in `handle'; modules/webhooks/app/controllers/webhooks/incoming/hooks_controller.rb:56:in `handle_hook'
foxweb commented 9 months ago

OK, I've got 500 response for real pipeline tasks. I don't see result green symbols on GITLAB tab. Look further to find out more details.

Request data:


Request data:

D, [2023-11-28T01:19:32.194672 #7975] DEBUG -- : Received gitlab webhook pipeline_hook
E, [2023-11-28T01:19:32.195405 #7975] ERROR -- : Failed to handle pipeline_hook from Gitlab: undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass
D, [2023-11-28T01:19:32.209328 #7975] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Pluck (1.5ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
E, [2023-11-28T01:19:32.211345 #7975] ERROR -- : user=29 undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass: undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass
D, [2023-11-28T01:19:32.211416 #7975] DEBUG -- : [NoMethodError] undefined method `iid?' for nil:NilClass: modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handler/pipeline_hook.rb:56:in `associated_with_mr?'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handler/pipeline_hook.rb:40:in `process'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:68:in `block in pipeline_hook'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:75:in `with_logging'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/notification_handlers.rb:67:in `pipeline_hook'; lib_static/open_project/notifications.rb:57:in `block in subscribe'; lib_static/open_project/notifications.rb:81:in `send'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/hook_handler.rb:60:in `process'; modules/gitlab_integration/lib/open_project/gitlab_integration/engine.rb:55:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Engine>'; modules/webhooks/lib/open_project/webhooks/hook.rb:44:in `handle'; modules/webhooks/app/controllers/webhooks/incoming/hooks_controller.rb:56:in `handle_hook'
btey commented 9 months ago

The only thing that will work is MR type pipelines. Not all pipelines executed in an MR are of that type. The point is that only pipelines that are of type MR include the merge request id in the payload. Without this Id the pipeline cannot be associated with the MR in OpenProject.

Thanks for the testings!

foxweb commented 9 months ago

Ok, I see: in my request payload "merge_request": null.

This is the reason of NoMethodError here.

I don't know version of our instance of GitLab, I think this is GitLab issue. I'll find out version from admin.

Look further to find out more details.

foxweb commented 9 months ago

Fixed by adding to .gitlab-ci.yml config:

    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'


    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
Снимок экрана 2023-11-28 в 02 16 24 image

@btey I see that you have already found out and checked all this, but I still stepped on all the rake 🤣 Thank you for your work!

P.S. GitLab documentation page about this feature —