buda-base / blmp-client

JS client for the BLMP
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no error on invalid values in select #35

Closed eroux closed 5 months ago

eroux commented 2 years ago

in https://editor.bdrc.io/edit/bdr:MW30118/bds:InstanceShape there are two values in selects that are invalid according the shacl shape: one title type and the script (in the "physical feature" group). They should be marked as errors so that the user knows they need to be changed

berger-n commented 2 years ago

fixed: https://editor.bdrc.io/edit/bdr:MW30118/bds:InstanceShape

Kazam_screencast_00116 mp4

note there's also an invalid id type:


where another id namely https://ldspdi.bdrc.io/resource/PL480.ttl needs a prefLabel instead of a label

eroux commented 2 years ago

thanks a lot! The label thing is a bit strange though, bdr:OclcControlNumber (right above in the list) only has a rdfs:label

berger-n commented 2 years ago

indeed! fixed (uses identifier without prefix when no prefLabel available):
