buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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Global is auth #124

Closed MarcAgate closed 5 years ago

MarcAgate commented 5 years ago

in global.ttl we have:

  a owl:Ontology ;
  owl:imports adm: ;
  owl:imports aut: ;

but aut already imports adm (which imports bdo)

so global is the same as auth (that imports adm which imports bdo)

Is global used somewhere? What should we do with it (from an ontology service perspective)?

xristy commented 5 years ago

I do not know of any uses of global.ttl. I'm delighted to remove it. Let me know.

MarcAgate commented 5 years ago

Unless someone is using it (I doubt someone is), I suggest we remove it, yes !

xristy commented 5 years ago

Indeed, I will remove in the morning.

Also the dropdown lists for view and browse on ldspdi should at least be sorted, better would be a small 2 char indent for sub-dirs and files etc

MarcAgate commented 5 years ago

I am not sure about keeping "individual ontologies" in the drop down list... I am thinking of linking Individuals to their class display page (as here : http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/core/TibetanLineageType). This shouldn't be too big of an issue.

xristy commented 5 years ago

I'd prefer to config so that just adm, bdo, and aut are listed - i.e.,agree we don't need all the various sub files in the dropdown. I do think it would make sense to display the owl:Ontology resource w/ its owl:imports that are clickable to allow navigating among ontology modules

MarcAgate commented 5 years ago

We now have links to imported ontologies on each Ontology home page. Closed