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Group Invites new UI: add a new user setting #44

Closed imath closed 8 years ago

imath commented 8 years ago

I think in one of our chat in slack @boonebgorges said Core choose to only display friends into the group invites screen because some members might not be ok to be invited by others if there are not friends.

I understand this concern, and i think we can provide a way to satisfy all needs. I just need to adapt the Group invites UI and add a user setting. This way when the inviter click on the user it could display a notice like 'This member only accepts group invites from friends'.

hnla commented 8 years ago

The concern always is that your exposed to other members, this 'Friend' thing allows us to be selective and ensure no spamming. I agree though we need a wider more open approach to invites.

And saying all this prompts mention of a certain @boonebgorges magnificent plugin 'invite-anyone' which should have long long ago been added to core frankly :)