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bbP forum group create step screen #71

Closed hnla closed 8 years ago

hnla commented 8 years ago

I'm puzzled by the approach bbP takes here and am thinking we should really bring this sippet of markup into Nouveau or even into BP core.

bbP has a function create_screen() in /includes/extend/buddypress/groups.phpL:465 This gets injected into BP via thedo_action( 'groups_custom_create_steps' );` using the plugins.php template.

This presents problems (unless I've overlooked something simple or a filter?) as if we need to manipulate this functions markup it's hard to do so. I would prefer we moved the bbP function into BP core or bp-nouveau.

The function is specific to BP Groups so BP ought to have the burden of maintaining it? A simple check on whether bbP activated and allow forums for groups is checked would show or hide the screen.

I'm having a play around to see if there is a simple means to prevent the do_action and copy the function over perhaps as an include.

hnla commented 8 years ago

Actually just read the opening phpdoc notes:

@todo maybe move to BuddyPress Forums once bbPress 1.1 can be removed

Just makes me more convinced we do this for Nouveau then as we are not supporting legeacy forums.

ntwb commented 8 years ago

If there's anything you need on the bbPress side don't hesitate to ask, happy to make any changes

imath commented 8 years ago

Mmm bbPress just like any other plugin is probably using the Group Extension API. If there's a problem we need to solve it for any plugins :) Not only bbPress. I'll look at it to understand the problem a bit better.

hnla commented 8 years ago

@ntwb Thanks.

Still not sure how this ought to be approached, maybe at the least we need a filter on that function so we can update the markup as we require?

imath commented 8 years ago

That's what i was thinking. bbPress uses the Group Extension API. So even if we include a specific filter, we won't be able to have it for all plugins adding a create step to the group creation process.

The best approach seems to be: do nothing ;)

hnla commented 8 years ago

won't be able to have it for all plugins adding a create step to the group creation process.

wasn't really concerned with other plugins, they have a choice to observe how things are rendered in whatever we deem is the default template view that is best followed, bbp is more important than many plugins in tying in historically to BP groups thus wanted it matching to whatever changes were made but we'll ignore forum screen steps rendering then.