buddypress / next-template-packs

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Directory & single screen component filters #89

Closed hnla closed 7 years ago

hnla commented 7 years ago

Directory filters are broken out to a template part called from /common/filters/ includes directory.

This ticket covers updating this process to include single user & group screens

The template tag functions for labels select id's etc in /includes/template-tags.php are updated to include friends component checks and strings and function names are renamed to remove the string part 'directory' to better suit a generic filter for all screens.

User screens are updated to remove hardcoded filters and replaced with get_template part calls. A new include for user screens is added N.B. The separate user-screens-filters.php is actually unnecessary as one single template part can serve all, however for the moment we'll retain a degree of seperation in case markup changes required between main screens.

The first pass is complete 'Group' screens remains to be done.