buerokratt / Analytics-Module

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Fixes to the Chats' page #103

Open PaulaMerle opened 1 year ago

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

Tested at https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - Displaying the total number in a column stack is confusing because it makes it look like the number has doubled. We don't necessarily need the total to show on the chart side, only in tooltip. Image

TESTED 28.09, DONE. Another bug reported below.

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - name for y-axes is missing for Average waiting time if time selection is either Today, Yesterday, Selected Month or Selected Period. Name of the y-axes should be 'minutes' (minutid). Image TESTED 28.09, DONE!

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - Total number of chats, tested https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats Problem - when selecting all additional options (CSA, bot, total), graph shows that on 27.09 at 11:00 2 chats have taken place. 1 with bot and 1 with CSA. After unselecting CSA, the chats with bot only are not shown either. Expected result - when unselecting CSA, 1 chat with bot should be shown at 11:00 and total number 2 chats. I haven't checked the DB to see if there were actually bot-only conversations. Image Image

Tested 02.10 and FIXED

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

Problem - from previous comment it can be seen that there were 2 chats with CSA yesterday (27.09). Metric Average waiting time gives no data for selection Yesterday. Expected result - even if the chats were picked up in seconds, the average waiting time should be displayed for these chats (in minutes with 2 decimals (like 0,01). Image

ValterAro commented 10 months ago

[BUG] Short summary: in the https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats page, when looking at "vestluste koguarv" metric with all three options enabled then you only see the number of chats that have been answered by Buerokratt, but not customer service. When you deselect "Bürokratti vastatud" metric then you also see the other data. There is also a problem with the downloadable csv that the column names should include "Nõustaja kaasatud" as on some of the lines there are three numbers and the middle one corresponds to answered by customer support. In general the csv should include zeros on other lines for that. Expected result: You should be able to see both options on the graph at the same time when they are selected. Real result: Only the chats that are answered by Bürokratt are shown in the graph. How to reproduce: Go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats after logging in and select last 30 days chats. Then select "vestluste koguarv" / "total chats" and select or deselect the options in the legend. Also download the csv and check the data there for the other bug. Pic: image

CSV file image

ValterAro commented 10 months ago

[BUG] Short description: in the https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats page, when looking at "Kontakti kätmised" metric then the grpah shows one data point on the graph, which is for the "Tööpäeva väline aeg" on 20-10-2023, when both "Tööpäeväeva väline aeg" and the "Kõik nõustajad ära/ hõivatud" are enabled. So the problem is when you deselect "Kõik nõustajad ära/hõivatud" then the datapoint for "Tööpäeva väline aeg" dissapears. It also seems to be a bug that there is so little data on this graph. As when I check the history for 16-11-2023, then there should be two times when the Bürokratt says that it is outside of the working time. Expected result: When I select "Tööpäeva väline aeg" I should be able to see it on the graph but ... Real result: "Kõik nõustajad..." also needs to be selected in order to see that data point on 20-10-2023 for example Pic: image

Outside working time chat: image

ValterAro commented 10 months ago

[BUG] Short summary: The download CSV button does not work and the download option seems to be broken in all of analytics module. How to reproduce: Log in and then go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats and try to download the CSV for any of the data options. Current outcome: there is an error in the console and the csv request throws a 300 error.

ValterAro commented 10 months ago

The previous Bug with the "kontakti jätmised" seems to be still there on the https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats page. As there is no new data, even though there should be.

1AhmedYasser commented 10 months ago

[BUG] Short summary: The download CSV button does not work and the download option seems to be broken in all of analytics module. How to reproduce: Log in and then go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats and try to download the CSV for any of the data options. Current outcome: there is an error in the console and the csv request throws a 300 error.

Its Working Perfectly on local side , will need to check it on dev side with @varmoh

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 2 14 37 PM
1AhmedYasser commented 10 months ago

The previous Bug with the "kontakti jätmised" seems to be still there on the https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats page. As there is no new data, even though there should be.

@turnerrainer @PaulaMerle Please move this to blocked as it will be refactored when this task https://github.com/buerokratt/Buerokratt-Chatbot/issues/374 is done, also we need to discuss this Long waiting time (Pikk ooteaeg) because its not yet supported

PaulaMerle commented 10 months ago

Will be moved to blocked because of these tasks: #139 and https://github.com/buerokratt/Buerokratt-Chatbot/issues/48 (status: to groom)