buerokratt / Buerokratt-Chatbot

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Administrator can set organization's working time #15

Open rasmusei opened 2 years ago

rasmusei commented 2 years ago

AS AN Administrator I WANT TO be able to set or modify organization's working time SO THAT after working hours chatbot will ask End Users contact information when Bürokratt is not able to reply itself

Acceptance Criteria

GUI Story's:

DSL Story's:

helemand commented 1 year ago

Added following Ruuter endpoints: POST /cs-set-organization-working-time GET /cs-get-organization-working-time

example cURL queries(replace URL and customJwtCookie with appropriate values if needed):

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9091/cs-set-organization-working-time' \ --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=2991711AB1D8A47D97A9A10C21A3F482; customJwtCookie=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIiLCJsYXN0TmFtZSI6ImhlbGVyaSIsImlkQ29kZSI6IkVFNDk0MDIyMDY1MjgiLCJkaXNwbGF5TmFtZSI6ImhlbGVtYW5kIiwiaXNzIjoiYnlrLmJ1ZXJva3JhdHQuZWUiLCJsb2dpbiI6ImhlbGVyaSIsImNzYUVtYWlsIjoia2xpZW50QG1haWwuZWUiLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJST0xFX0FETUlOSVNUUkFUT1IiXSwiZmlyc3ROYW1lIjoiaGVsZXJpIiwiZXhwIjoxNjcyMjMwOTQzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIyMjM3NDMsImp0aSI6IjY4NWE3YTVkLWFjMzQtNDQzMi05YzIxLTkyMWU5ZTdhZTFiMCIsImNzYVRpdGxlIjoia2xpZW50In0.fsx38w5lfLHU7Hs2sFW--nc6wbDRfo989Ka8dXe_bAjY36r7nAx3xFS79UqwIW6Qtu2LUSzFOfj6U-2fU3AU-uxMLUcCz1gBUdkvhA5NapvTbnML4wOULiYyxfg0Cn3qR1X7uDKf6fHWKjNrnpvOHNr92dpXYVE_rmbfg0IRTgCK6uUOY-J_lXU-jcZoU6Gmnp0FM0BQ8JYujiZYYz4HN1wmHZor5zlRgtMnEy6oXTaThU6bJ98FKsaT1bYogbtXWpenUJhmJUHn1iaE6ehhsVqCV69ZTbWnKS3g9PRQqWRe3jDlOn2KoszHJIV9rnla39Y6oQnVpPBO9Un_eblY0g' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw ' { "organizationWorkingTimeStartISO": "02-02-2023", "organizationWorkingTimeEndISO": "02-09-2023" }'

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9091/cs-get-organization-working-time' \ --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=2991711AB1D8A47D97A9A10C21A3F482; customJwtCookie=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIiLCJsYXN0TmFtZSI6ImhlbGVyaSIsImlkQ29kZSI6IkVFNDk0MDIyMDY1MjgiLCJkaXNwbGF5TmFtZSI6ImhlbGVtYW5kIiwiaXNzIjoiYnlrLmJ1ZXJva3JhdHQuZWUiLCJsb2dpbiI6ImhlbGVyaSIsImNzYUVtYWlsIjoia2xpZW50QG1haWwuZWUiLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJST0xFX0FETUlOSVNUUkFUT1IiXSwiZmlyc3ROYW1lIjoiaGVsZXJpIiwiZXhwIjoxNjcyMjMwOTQzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIyMjM3NDMsImp0aSI6IjY4NWE3YTVkLWFjMzQtNDQzMi05YzIxLTkyMWU5ZTdhZTFiMCIsImNzYVRpdGxlIjoia2xpZW50In0.fsx38w5lfLHU7Hs2sFW--nc6wbDRfo989Ka8dXe_bAjY36r7nAx3xFS79UqwIW6Qtu2LUSzFOfj6U-2fU3AU-uxMLUcCz1gBUdkvhA5NapvTbnML4wOULiYyxfg0Cn3qR1X7uDKf6fHWKjNrnpvOHNr92dpXYVE_rmbfg0IRTgCK6uUOY-J_lXU-jcZoU6Gmnp0FM0BQ8JYujiZYYz4HN1wmHZor5zlRgtMnEy6oXTaThU6bJ98FKsaT1bYogbtXWpenUJhmJUHn1iaE6ehhsVqCV69ZTbWnKS3g9PRQqWRe3jDlOn2KoszHJIV9rnla39Y6oQnVpPBO9Un_eblY0g'

ceirowe commented 1 year ago

@rasmusei Prototype updated according to AC-s. !NB DSL requirements need to be updated. Currently weekdays and national holidays are not accepted by DSL.

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

BUG - now "Riiklikud pühad" is under settings. It should be on the bottom with all other days. As in Figma design. Image

1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

@janinakimtrohlev Could you please split the bugs into separate comments so i can reference them in the PR

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

BUG - now there is no option "Nädalavahetustel suletud" (closed on weekends) and "Kõigil tööpäevadel sama"(The same on all working days). I should be option where i can choose : is it closed on weekends or no and is it the same time on all workdays or no. It also should be on the bottom. I put here Figma design picture , like it should be. Image

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

BUG - now i can choose for all days start time and end time as one. But It should be able, to put start and end time to each day. Like in figma design picture. Image Right now view of "Asutuste tööaeg" is like in this picture. Image

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

Acceptance Criteria:

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

@1AhmedYasser separated

rasmusei commented 1 year ago

Blocked by #1

rasmusei commented 1 year ago

@janinakimtrohlev please check it again

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

@1AhmedYasser The task is still behind the bugs from before.

janinakimtrohlev commented 1 year ago

@KlviG hetkel right now i can´t change the time of working hours. It gives error image

janinakimtrohlev commented 12 months ago

Tested and done