WHEN I run the command pack stacksTHEN I will see all the stacks listed in the config.toml file via the following output
Stack ID Build Image Run Image
<id of stack> (default) <path to build image> <path to run image>
<id of stack> <path to build image> <path to run image>
If multiple run images exist, list all images in a comma separated list
The default stack will have (default) listed next to the ID. If no default is set - io.buildpacks.stacks.bionic will show (default) next to it
Scenario : View available stacks
WHEN I run the command
pack stacks
THEN I will see all the stacks listed in the config.toml file via the following outputNotes
listed next to the ID. If no default is set - io.buildpacks.stacks.bionic will show(default)
next to it