bustardcelly / cucumberjs-examples

Examples in using CucumberJS
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document is not defined error when running #1

Open MdAsif6178 opened 9 years ago

MdAsif6178 commented 9 years ago


I have followed the the blog here and have downloaded the source code from git repository and tried to run the tests by node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js , I am getting the error "document is not defined".

Any help would be very much appreciated.


bustardcelly commented 9 years ago

Hello @MdAsif6178,

First, the error: a spec is most likely reference the window document of a browser. Because the command is run on the command line, there will be no reference.

The reason for the error: the article is from a series: http://custardbelly.com/blog/archive.html (look for BDD in JS) and the testing is progressed from the command line to an actual browser. At the end of the series, I developed a tool to make running specs in actual browsers easier: https://github.com/bustardcelly/cucumberjs-browser

How to resolve the issue: if you want to follow along in the series, I tagged the repository as a snapshot related to each post. In a github repo, you can select a tag snapshot from the "branches" dropdown. You could select the tag related to the article and should be able to follow along as such by pulling down that snapshot.

Thanks for taking a look at the article and interest!

MdAsif6178 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply!!!.

Looking into the last article now. here