buttonwoodcx / bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat

An Aurelia repeater supports drag & drop reordering automatically.
MIT License
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IE11 support? #7

Closed KentuckyMC closed 5 years ago

KentuckyMC commented 5 years ago


I'm using this project as an example for my own plugin (based on your tutorial as well). Is it right that out of the box this project won't work in IE11? I'm getting a error inside the vendor-bundle.

Thanks in advance.

3cp commented 5 years ago

What’s the error?

KentuckyMC commented 5 years ago

The error occured in the camelcase function. I think something with babel goes wrong? You can easily reproduce it if you setup this project > npm install > au run ;) In IE11 there is an syntax error inside the vendor-bundle.

3cp commented 5 years ago

I am in vacation. Could you copy the error from browser console?

KentuckyMC commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick respons, here are the two screens of the error:



3cp commented 5 years ago

That error is from an arrow function syntax which ie11 doesn’t understand.

The reason is that many core aurelia packages have turned on es2015 as default format for bundling.

We are tracking this issue here aurelia/cli#960

There is a temporary solution in the thread.

3cp commented 5 years ago

Fixed in cli 1.0.0-beta.4