A simple queue utility plugin for Kirby 3. It enables workers in Kirby that can do tasks (in the background) at scheduled intervals (cron) by working through queues of jobs.
orgit submodule add https://github.com/bvdputte/kirby-queue.git site/plugins/kirby-fingerprint
orcomposer require bvdputte/kirby-queue
Add the worker file site/plugins/kirby-queue/worker.php
to cron or similar at the desired interval (.e.g. each minute).
💡 This is the preferred method for setting up kirby-queue.
There's also a route available at kqueueworker-supersecreturlkey
that you can trigger to work the queues. The URL can be adjusted via the options.
When cron is not installed on your server, you can also fake cron by enabling option("bvdputte.kirbyqueue.poormanscron", true);
The default interval for poor man's cron is 60sec. You can change this with option("bvdputte.kirbyqueue.poormanscron.interval", 60*60);
to hourly e.g.
If you need your own worker logic (e.g. workers that need to run at different intervals), you can create your custom worker by extending the Queueworker
Queues are defined in the config file. Pass them as an associative array: [name] => function handler($job) {}
. The handler is a closure that is being called to process job by the worker.
'bvdputte.kirbyqueue.queues' => [
'queuename' => function($job) {
// Get your data
$foo = $job->get('foo');
$bar = $job->get('bar');
// Do something with your data, for example: send something to kirbylog
try {
kirbylog("test")->log($foo . " " . $bar);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Throw an error to fail a job
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
// or just return false, but setting a message for the user is better.
// No need to return or display anything else!
option.$myQueue = kqQueue("queuename"); // "queuename must be the same as set in the options
$myJob = kqJob([ // Pass the variables needed in the handler
'foo' => "foo",
'bar' => "bar"
$tomorrow = new DateTime('tomorrow');
You can also define a "due date" (UNIX Timestamp) for your job. Your job will be ignored until then.
💡 Take into account the interval you've defined to trigger your worker, as due dates only get be checked when the worker is working through the queue.
The default folder name for the queues is queues
. This will be placed in the /site/
Each queue will get its own subfolder with its name as foldername.
The URL for the route to trigger the built in worker. Might be useful if you want to trigger the worker via an URL. Be sure to add a secret hash to it so it can't be used as an attack vector.
This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.
It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.