byte-motion / RNL_RAPIDLibrary

A standard library of functionality for the RAPID programming language
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Create a Robot-to-Robot RMQ relay #53

Open TheHarvard opened 3 years ago

TheHarvard commented 3 years ago

Due to RMQ not supporting direct Robot to Robot message sending, and since this feature would be very useful, we should investigate whether we can create a simple RMQ (DIPC) relay unit that could relay RMQ messages from one robot to another.

In theory, this should all be possible with a small Robot webservices capable computer, like a raspberry pi, or an industrial equivalent.


The webservices interface for RMQ (DIPC) Should allow the relay unit to create and manage queues on all connected robots, so that one relay unit could manage an entire network of robots.

Cybersecurity will also be an important topic here.

TheHarvard commented 3 years ago

currently working on implementing RMQ in node red, and this is my idea for how to connect robots:


Simple and elegant.

each robot has a specific queue for the other

TheHarvard commented 2 years ago

This implementation through Node-red is currently viable and super nice to use.

Could be interesting to run NR on the omnicore controllers.

I Will work towards docs.