bytespider / Meross

Investigating the Meross/Refoss MSS310 Smart Plug and getting these devices to communicate with our private MQTT brokers
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Interacting with topics of MS310 on local MQTT #4

Closed nebula-it closed 5 years ago

nebula-it commented 5 years ago

Hello again @bytespider Was busy for few day with a server migration and now back to this. I was able to connect to local MQTT server by just pointing the and DNS entries to my local MQTT server. The device publishes info to MQTT fine, e.g if I use the physical button to turn on/off this is the MQTT message that is posted: {"header": {"messageId":"ac071f0d81fe2e07d1c2a9c4c8f523a7", "namespace":"Appliance.Control.Toggle", "method":"PUSH", "payloadVersion":1, "from":"/appliance/mydeviceUUID/publish", "timestamp":1553413590, "timestampMs":440, "sign":"e410105ebe776395645a9aa33ce8b919"}, "payload": {"toggle":{ "onoff":0, "lmTime":1553413590} } }

I'm wondering how you are posting mesages to topic that MS310 is subscribed to so we can control it directly from there. I looked on other MS310 libraries but they are all using HTTP POST requests to interact with MS310. This seems like a json message that can be published and then MS310 will read it from its subscribed topics. Have you done something in this regards? Cheers

bytespider commented 5 years ago

I haven't done much that way so far, other commitments, but based on the work by albertogeniola/MerossIot I believe that you just need to publish the correct JSON to /appliance/<device uuid>/subscribe

nebula-it commented 5 years ago

Thank you, I'll try that.