c-frame / aframe-gltf-model-plus

gltf-model-plus component to load glb file with hubs extensions
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Animation issue with waypoints on different levels #20

Closed vincentfretin closed 2 months ago

vincentfretin commented 2 months ago

There seems to have some animation issue with waypoints on different levels, the destination is not correct.

vincentfretin commented 2 months ago

Oh I understand what the issue is. It's only on the playground scene. When you click on a waypoint of a different level it actually change right away without animation to the clicked waypoint, then because of cursor-teleport it moves to the intersection of cursor and navmesh. I actually didn't implement the animation when you click on a waypoint. For this scene specifically, we can just decrease far from 100 to 5 on the raycaster.

vincentfretin commented 2 months ago

In https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus/commit/ae5658d2828c22188bd72c5e8a2f51f4b3d16c7b I now use transition animation when clicking on a waypoint excepted for the first spawn point.

vincentfretin commented 2 months ago

I reverted the transition animation in https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus/commit/0d7fafda7932d680445c71cf41eb42077d4aa6ab. I remember now why I didn't enable it. :)