c-frame / aframe-gltf-model-plus

gltf-model-plus component to load glb file with hubs extensions
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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This aframe component allows to load a glb with extensions from the hubs blender addon.

This is an alternate implementation of how Hubs imported the scene glb with aframe components. Some key differences:


  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus@main/dist/aframe-1.4.2-custom.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus@main/dist/gltf-model-plus.min.js"></script>
    <a-assets timeout="30000">
    <a-entity class="environment-settings" gltf-model-plus="#sceneGLB"></a-entity>

See the index.html file for the full example, some additional scripts and templates are required. This example is really just demonstrating how to load a hubs scene and has no UI. If you need a multi-users experience with avatars, chat, audio and screen share, look at the naf-valid-avatars example.

The gltf-model-plus component make some assumptions:

The waypoint component make some assumptions:

Components and primitives

Some components can also be used on <a-entity>. See the components documentation.

Run the examples locally

Clone the repo, install the dev dependencies and start the dev server:

git clone https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus.git
cd aframe-gltf-model-plus
npm install
npm start

Then go to http://localhost:8080

To test your scene, you can copy your_scene.glb in the examples/playground folder, edit examples/playground/index.html and modify the line that references the scene to <a-asset-item id="sceneGLB" src="https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus/raw/main/your_scene.glb"></a-asset-item> and refresh the page.


You can deploy the content of the examples/playground folder to any server with static hosting but be sure to replace those two script tags:

<script src="https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus/raw/main/./../dist/aframe-1.4.2-custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus/raw/main/./../dist/gltf-model-plus.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus@main/dist/aframe-1.4.2-custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-gltf-model-plus@main/dist/gltf-model-plus.min.js"></script>

Depending on your needs, if your experience doesn't require multi-users, you can run it on GitHub Pages for free. For this you need to push the folder content on a public GitHub repository and enable GitHub Pages in the repository settings.

If your experience only needs users without audio you can use the networked-aframe wseasyrtc or socketio adapters (see list of naf adapters).

For 3-4 users with audio and video with the easyrtc adapter (peer to peer), you can host it for free (the server will need to wake up on first access) or using a paid subscription on Glitch.

If you need more users with audio and video, you can subscribe to a VPS and have up to 30 users in a room with the janus adapter (SFU).

Blender hubs components compatibility









Some features require a custom aframe build.

For comparison of this repository with Hubs code, see mapping to aframe components in Hubs's gltf-component-mappings.js.