c3sr / comm_scope

NUMA-aware multi-CPU multi-GPU data transfer benchmarks
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 3 forks source link
bandwidth benchmark-suite cuda gpu hip numa nvlink performance


Build Status


Getting started

Recursive git clone:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/c3sr/comm_scope.git

Or, if you cloned without recursiveness:

<dowload or clone Comm|Scope>
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build and list supported benchmarks:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
./comm_scope --benchmark_list_tests=true

To choose specific benchmarks, filter by regex:

./comm_scope --benchmark_list_tests --benchmark_filter=<regex>

Once the desired benchmarks are selected, run them

./comm_scope --benchmark_filter=<regex>


CSV Output (will still print on console):

./comm_scope --benchmark_out=file.csv --benchmark_out_format=csv

To limit the visible GPUs, use the --cuda option:

./comm_scope --cuda 0 --cuda 1

To limit the visible NUMA nodes, use the --numa option:

./comm_scope --numa 8

Comm|Scope will attempt to control CPU clocks. Either run with elevated permissions, or you will see:

[2020-07-15 17:58:00.763] [scope] [error] unable to disable CPU turbo: no permission. Run with higher privileges?
[2020-07-15 17:58:00.763] [scope] [error] unable to set OS CPU governor to maximum: no permission. Run with higher privileges?

If you are willing to accept reduced accuracy, or are on a system where CPU clocks do not need to be controlled, you can ignore this error.

You can control the log verbosity with the following environment variables:

Warning: Inconsistent Console Reporting Suffixes

Google Benchmark will format the console output in the following way, with an inconsistency. The bytes suffixes (k, M, G) are powers of 10 (1e3, 1e6, 1e9), while the bytes_per_second suffixes are powers of 2 (2^10, 2^20, 2^30). For example, the raw values for line 12 are bytes=4096 and bytes_per_second=1.33407e+09. Using the csv reporter prints the raw values to the file: --benchmark_out=file.csv and --benchmark_out_format=csv.

Benchmark                                                                  Time             CPU   Iterations UserCounters...
Comm_cudaMemcpyAsync_PinnedToGPU/0/0/log2(N):8/manual_time              2804 ns   1065385791 ns       251315 bytes=256 bytes_per_second=87.0571M/s cuda_id=0 numa_id=0
Comm_cudaMemcpyAsync_PinnedToGPU/0/0/log2(N):9/manual_time              2806 ns   1059562408 ns       250053 bytes=512 bytes_per_second=173.985M/s cuda_id=0 numa_id=0
Comm_cudaMemcpyAsync_PinnedToGPU/0/0/log2(N):10/manual_time             2871 ns   1055014030 ns       246220 bytes=1024 bytes_per_second=340.196M/s cuda_id=0 numa_id=0
Comm_cudaMemcpyAsync_PinnedToGPU/0/0/log2(N):11/manual_time             3033 ns   1070865035 ns       241507 bytes=2.048k bytes_per_second=643.883M/s cuda_id=0 numa_id=0
Comm_cudaMemcpyAsync_PinnedToGPU/0/0/log2(N):12/manual_time             3070 ns    984282144 ns       224948 bytes=4.096k bytes_per_second=1.24245G/s cuda_id=0 numa_id=0

Recipies for Specific Systems

[2020-07-15 17:58:00.763] [scope] [error] unable to disable CPU turbo: no permission. Run with higher privileges?
[2020-07-15 17:58:00.763] [scope] [error] unable to set OS CPU governor to maximum: no permission. Run with higher privileges?

FAQ / Troubleshooting

I get CMake Error: Remove failed on file: <blah>: System Error: Device or resource busy

This somtimes happens on network file systems. You can retry, or do the build on a local disk.

** I get -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5 after module load gcc/5.4.0.

A different version of GCC may be in the CMake cache. Try running cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc, or deleting your build directory and restarting.

I get a PTX JIT compilation failed

set CUDAFLAGS to be the appropriate -arch=sm_xx for your system. e.g. export CUDAFLAGS=-arch=sm_80 for ThetaGPU.

Bumping the Version

Update the changelog and commit the changes.

Install bump2version

pip install --user bump2version

Check that everything seems good (minor version, for example)

bump2version --dry-run minor --verbose

Actually bump the version

bump2version minor

Push the changes

git push && git push --tags


Any work on the underlying cwpearson/libscope library will probably benefit from changing the submodule from http to SSH:

cd thirdparty/libscope
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:cwpearson/libscope.git



v0.12.0 (Aug 9 2023)

v0.11.2 (July 17 2020)

v0.11.1 (July 17 2020)

v0.11.0 (July 17 2020)

v0.10.0 (June 23 2020)

v0.9.0 (June 5 2020)

v0.8.2 (March 6 2020)

v0.8.1 (March 5 2020)

v0.8.0 (March 5 2020)

v0.7.2 (April 8 2019)

v0.7.1 (April 5 2019)

v0.7.0 (April 5 2019)

v0.6.3 (Dec 20 2018)






